Head Chef

Type: unit
Category: Leader
Categories: Leader, ORDER, GNOMAD FEASTMASTERS, BAREFOOT, PRIEST, HERO, HEAD CHEF, 9 or less wounds Leader
EntryId: 9b65-8ed5-cd8c-cd91
Hidden: false
Costs: 100 pts
Options (9)
Incarnate Bonding:
Unique Enhancements:


Unit MoveWoundsBraverySave
Head Chef





Command Abilities
They'll Be Some Fine Dining Should You Survive This One Lads!

You can use this command ability during your hero phase. If you do so, select a GNOMAD FEASTMASTERS unit wholly within 12" of a model with this command ability. Until the start of your next hero phase, replace the Last Meal Eaten from the Go with your Gut trait for the selected unit with another Last Meal Eaten of your choice.

Unit Abilities
Always Hangry

This unit always counts as being Hangry instead of the normal ability under "It's been a long day…".

In addition, in your hero phase, you may select a GNOMAD FEASTMASTERS unit within 3" of this unit. Until the start of your next hero phase, the selected unit counts as Hangry instead of the normal ability under "It's been a long day…".

Waste not, Want not

The "Please Sir, May I have some More" ability of GNOMAD HOTPOT units within 3" of this model affects any GNOMAD FEASTMASTERS units wholly within 18" of that model (except for other GNOMAD HOTPOT units).


1+ **Pitched Battle GHB 2023** in roster (recursive)
Used By (1)