Battle Tactics: The Perennial Watch

Type: upgrade
Category: Game Options
Categories: Game Options
LinkId: 024e-04b0-92b6-b309
Hidden: false


Battle Tactic
There and back again

When you reveal this battle tactic, pick 1 friendly GNOMAD FEASTMASTERS BAREFOOT unit, which contested an objective marker that is not wholly within your territory in a previous battle round. You complete this battle tactic if this unit finishes a move within 1” of your GASTROGNOME ENCAMPMENT terrain feature during this turn.

We bow to no one

You may only reveal this battle tactic if the Those Lucky Scoundrels battle trait applies for this battle round. When you reveal this battle tactic, pick 1 enemy unit that is a HERO, or MONSTER (or both). You complete this battle tactic if that unit is slain during the combat phase of this turn.

Used By (1)