Battle Tactics: Oaths of Battle

Type: upgrade
Category: Game Options
Categories: Game Options
EntryId: 9b5d-92de-1b6d-2e5c
Hidden: false


Battle Tactic
An Honourable Death

Pick 1 friendly HERO. You complete this tactic if that friendly HERO is slain during this turn and any enemy models were also slain by wounds caused by attacks made by that HERO during this turn.


Pick 1 enemy MONSTER and 1 friendly HERO. You complete this tactic if that MONSTER is slain by wounds caused by attacks made by that HERO during this turn.

Grimnir Knows No Mercy

You complete this tactic at the end of this turn if there are any friendly VULKITE BERZERKERS units on the battlefield and all of them are within 3" of any enemy units.

Ignominious Death

Pick 1 enemy HERO. You complete this tactic if that enemy HERO is slain by wounds caused by an attack made with a Fyresteel Throwing Axe during this turn.

Seize by Force

You can pick this tactic only if you control fewer objectives than your opponent. You complete this tactic if you control more objectives than your opponent at the end of this turn.

Settle a Grudge

Each time a friendly unit is destroyed by wounds caused by an attack, make a note of the enemy unit that made the attack (in a 'Book of Grudges', if you with). When you pick this battle tactic, pick 1 of those enemy units that is still on the battlefield. You complete this tactic if that unit is destroyed during this turn.


set hidden true
1+ selections of Allegiance: Lofnir Drothkeepers in roster (recursive)
Used By (1)