Battalion: Shadowhammer Compact

Type: upgrade
Category: Warscroll Battalion
Categories: Warscroll Battalion
EntryId: b96a-bccc-7216-f880
Hidden: false
Options (7)
1. Slaughter Queen:
2. 2 units of Witch Aelves:
3. 1 unit of KHINERAI HARPIES:
4. 1 unit of Blood Stalkers:
5. 2 units of Liberators:
6. 1 unit of Prosecutors:
7. 1 unit of Judicators:


Battalion Abilities
Righteous Fervour

In your hero phase, choose one DAUGHTERS OF KHAINE unit from this battalion and one STORMCAST ETERNAL unit from this battalion that are within 6" of each other. Both units can either make a normal move as if it were your movement phase, shoot as if it were your shooting phase, or pile in and attack as if it were the combat phase. Both units must perform the same action (if only one of the units is able to perform the action you chose – for example, if one of the units shoots but the other has no missile weapons – then the other unit does nothing).


set hidden true
1+ selections of Allegiance: The Croneseer's Pariahs in roster (recursive)
Used By (1)