Battalion: Scáthcoven

Type: upgrade
Category: Warscroll Battalion
Categories: Warscroll Battalion
EntryId: 1a8c-32ef-182c-75d9
Hidden: false
Options (4)
1. 1 BLOODWRACK MEDUSA or Melusai Ironscale:
2. 1-2 units of Blood Stalkers:
3. 1-4 units of Blood Sisters:
4. 0-2 units of KHINERAI HARPIES:


Battalion Abilities
Frenzied Devotees

The first ward roll you make for each unit in this battalion in a phase is automatically successful (do not make a ward roll).


set hidden true
1+ selections of Allegiance: The Croneseer's Pariahs in roster (recursive)
Used By (2)