Searing Beam of Light

Type: upgrade
EntryId: b1a7-4975-f038-9f33
Hidden: false


max: 1
min: 1


Weapon TypeRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundRendDamage
Searing Beam of Light








Unit Abilities
Searing Beam of Light

Do not use the attack sequence for an attack made with this model’s Searing Beam of Light. Instead, pick 1 point on the battlefield within range of this model’s Searing Beam of Light that is visible to this model and draw an imaginary straight line 1mm wide between that point and the closest part of this model’s base. Roll a dice for each unit that has models passed across by this line. For each roll that is equal to or greater than the Searing Beam of Light value shown on this model’s damage table, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.