Endless Spell: Bladewind

Type: upgrade
Category: Malign Sorcery
Categories: Malign Sorcery, ENDLESS SPELL
EntryId: d054-f9b0-3241-dd01
Hidden: false
Costs: 20 pts


max(roster): 1


Unit Abilities

This unit can fly.


This endless spell is a predatory endless spell. It can be moved up to 12" and can fly.

Unnatural Edge

After this endless spell has moved, roll a dice for each unit that has any models it passed across, and each other unit that is within 1" of it at the end of its move. On a 2+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. In addition, do not apply the cover modifier to save rolls for attacks that target units that are within 12" of this endless spell.

Spell Casting ValueRange



If successfully cast, set up 1 Bladewind wholly within range of the caster. Only DAUGHTERS OF KHAINE WIZARDS can attempt to summon this endless spell..