Endless Spell: Chalice of Ushoran

Type: unit
Category: Malign Sorcery
Categories: ENDLESS SPELL, Malign Sorcery
EntryId: a1c1-4af5-032e-8823
Hidden: false
Costs: 70 pts


max(roster): 1


Spell Casting ValueRange



If successfully cast, set up this endless spell wholly within range and visible to the caster, and more than 1" from all models, other endless spells and invocations. Only FLESH-EATER COURTS WIZARDS can attempt to summon this endless spell.

Unit Abilities

This unit can fly.


This endless spell is a predatory endless spell. It can be moved up to 8" and can fly.

Soul Stealer

Keep track of the number of models that are slain within 12" of this endless spell each turn. At the end of each turn, roll a dice for each model that was slain within 12" of this endless spell during that turn. For each 4+, the commanding player can heal 1 wound allocated to 1 FLESH-EATER COURTS model within 12" of this endless spell or return 1 slain model to 1 FLESH-EATER COURTS unit that has a Wounds characteristic of 1 that is wholly within 12" of this endless spell.