Battle Tactics: Rampaging Gargants

Type: upgrade
Category: Game Options
Categories: Game Options
LinkId: 648a-d961-024b-cf31
Hidden: false


Battle Tactic
"That's Mine!"

Pick 1 objective on the battlefield wholly outside of your territory. You complete this tactic if that objective marker is kicked away and is wholly within your territory at the end of this turn.

Colossal Violence

Pick 1 friendly MEGA-GARGANT. You complete this tactic if you carried out the Titanic Dual monstrous rampage with that unit during this turn and the enemy MONSTER picked as the target was slain by attacks made by that unit during this turn.

Fury of Titans

You complete this tactic if you carry out the Beast Grapple, Earth-shaking Roar and Colossal Slam monstrous rampages this turn.


You complete this tactic if a friendly WARSTOMPER MEGA-GARGANT uses its ‘Hurled Body’ ability, the enemy model you pick for the first part of this ability is slain, and an enemy Battleline unit is picked as the target for the second part of the ability and suffers any mortal wounds as
a result.


Pick 1 enemy HERO. You complete this tactic if that HERO is slain by wounds caused by an attack made with Throwin' Rocks, Hurled Debris or a Hurled Boulder this turn.

Wrecking Crew

You complete this tactic if a faction terrain feature in your opponent’s army is demolished this turn.

Used By (1)