Battle Tactics: Orruk Warclans

Type: upgrade
Category: Game Options
Categories: Game Options
LinkId: 968b-4599-5c41-5ef9
Hidden: false


Battle Tactic
Dat's Our Turf Now!

You complete this tactic if, at the end of the turn, 2 or more friendly IRONJAWZ units are within 3" of the centre of the battlefield. You can only pick this tactic if the model picked to be your general has the IRONJAWZ keyword.

Destroyers of Empires

You can pick this battle tactic only if a friendly KRAGNOS is on the battlefield. Pick 1 faction terrain feature on the battlefield that was set up by your opponent and that has not been demolished. You complete this tactic if that faction terrain feature is demolished this turn.

Kill Da Big 'Un!

You can pick this battle tactic only if the model picked to be your general has the BONESPLITTERZ keyword. Pick 1 enemy MONSTER. You complete this tactic if that MONSTER was slain by attacks made by a friendly BONESPLITTERZ unit during this turn.

Sneak Up

You complete this tactic if, at the end of the turn, every friendly KRULEBOYZ unit is within 3" of any terrain features and is more than 3" from all enemy units. You can only pick this tactic if the model picked to be your general has the KRULEBOYZ keyword.

Squish Da Puny Gitz

You can pick this battle tactic only if the model picked to be your general has the IRONJAWZ keyword and there is at least 1 enemy Battleline unit on the battlefield. You complete this tactic if there are no enemy Battleline units on the battlefield at the end of this turn.

Take Dat, Ya Suckers!

You can pick this battle tactic only if the model picked to be your general has the KRULEBOYZ keyword. You complete this tactic if the following 2 criteria are met:

- At least 10 wounds or mortal wounds in any combination that were caused by friendly units are allocated to enemy models this turn.

- Fewer than 10 wounds or mortal wounds in any combination that were caused by enemy units are allocated to friendly models this turn.

Time to Get Stuck In!

You can pick this battle tactic only in your first or second turn. You complete this tactic if the model picked to be your general and all of the models in your army that are on the battlefield are within 12" of an enemy unit at the end of this turn.

Wait For It, Ladz...

You can pick this battle tactic only if your army has at least 24 Waaagh! points. You complete this tactic if your army has at least 30 Waaagh! points at the end of this turn.


set hidden true
1+ selections of Allegiance: Grunta Stampede in roster (recursive)
0 selections of Allegiance: Orruk Warclans in roster (recursive)
Used By (1)