Battalion: Vokmortian's Dread Retinue

Type: upgrade
EntryId: 3f0f-06da-1c11-7dd7
Hidden: false
Costs: 130 pts
Options (4)
1 Necropolis Stalkers unit:
1-2 Morghast Archai or Morghast Harbinger units:
1-3 Mortek Guard units:
Vokmortian, Master of the Bone-tithe:


Battalion Abilities
Eternal Duty

At the start of your hero phase, you can pick 1 unit from this battalion within 8" of the Vokmortian from the same battalion. Return 1 slain model to that unit.

Seal of Demise

After armies are set up, but before the first battle round begins, you can pick 1 enemy HERO and roll a dice. On a 2+, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by that HERO that target Vokmortian.

Used By (2)