Invaders Host

Type: upgrade
Categories: Multiple Generals
EntryId: e211-0580-4d0d-40eb
Hidden: false
Options (1)


Battle Trait
Escalating Havoc

At the end of your battleshock phase, you receive 1 depravity point if any of your generals are wholly within enemy territory. If 3 of your generals are wholly within enemy territory at the end of your battleshock phase, you receive D3 depravity points instead of 1.

Figureheads of the Dark Prince

Your army can have up to 3 generals instead of 1. Only 1 of the generals can have a command trait, but all 3 are considered to be a general for the purposes of using command abilities. However, none of your generals can use a command trait or command ability while they are within 12" of any of your other generals. In addition, each time 1 of your generals is slain for the first time, you receive 1 command point.

You receive the command point for having a general on the battlefield at the start of the hero phase if 1 or more of these generals are on the battlefield (you still only receive 1 command point if you have 2 or more generals on the battlefield). You receive the +2 modifier to the Heroic Leadership heroic action only if all of the generals have been slain.

Battalion Organisation
Invaders Host

Hedonite Hosts in your army must contain 2-4 Epicurean Revellers battalions instead of 1-3, and 0-2 Seeker Cavalcade battalions instead of 1-3.