Nurgle Warscroll Battalion: Tallyband of Nurgle

Type: upgrade
Category: Warscroll Battalion
Categories: Warscroll Battalion, Battalion, Nurgle Warscroll Battalion
EntryId: 6d46-b7dd-c2ea-d008
Hidden: true


Battalion Abilities
Disease and Pestilence Personified

At the start of your hero phase, roll a D3. You can pick up to a number of difference enemy units equal to the roll. Each enemy unit you pick must be within 3" of a different unit from this battalion. Give each enemy unit you picked 1 disease point.

Battalion Organisation
Warscroll Battalion: Tallyband of Nurgle

1-3 HERALDS OF NURGLE 4-7 PLAGUEBEARER HOSTS or Plague Drones 0-3 NURGLING SWARMS or Beasts of Nurgle


set hidden false
1+ Allegiance: Nurgle in roster (recursive)
Used By (1)
Chaos - Nurgle(Catalogue)