The Baleful Lords

Type: upgrade
Categories: Wrath of the Everchosen
EntryId: 43d1-42fb-c1a2-cbe5
Hidden: false


max: 1


Battle Trait
Unbound Slaughter

Friendly BALEFUL LORDS BLOODTHIRSTERS can run and still charge later in the same turn.

In addition, if you are fighting a Pitched Battle, you can include 1 additional Behemoth in your army, as long as every Behemoth in your army is a BLOODTHIRSTER.

Command Abilities
Frenzied Annihilation

You can use this command ability in the combat phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly BALEFUL LORDS BLOODTHIRSTESR. Until the end of that phase, when you look up a value on that model's damage table, that model is treated as if it has suffered 0 wounds.