Battalion: M'Zarr's Aetherhost (OPEN PLAY)

Type: upgrade
Category: Warscroll Battalion
Categories: Warscroll Battalion
EntryId: ee18-8d7a-1ae2-763a
Hidden: false
Options (5)
1 Herald of Tzeentch:
1 unit of Burning Chariots of Tzeentch:
1 unit of Flamers of Tzeentch:
1 unit of Pink Horrors of Tzeentch:
1 unit of Screamers of Tzeentch:


Battalion Abilities
Spontaneous Destruction

In each of your hero phases, pick either the Herald of Tzeentch or another unit from this battalion within 9" of them; you can choose either to cast one additional spell with that unit this phase or make a shooting attack with all the models in that unit as if it were the shooting phase.

Used By (1)
Chaos - Tzeentch(Catalogue)