Battalion: The Choir of Torment

Type: upgrade
Category: Warscroll Battalion
Categories: Warscroll Battalion, Warscroll Battalion
LinkId: 3625-4796-6e5c-619d
Hidden: true
Options (5)
1 Infernal Enrapturess:
1 Unit of Daemonettes:
1 Unit of Fiends:
1 Unit of Seekers:
Rules (1)
The Choir of Torment
The Choir of Torments are from one of the Pretenders hosts of Slaanesh.  If they are part of a Slaanesh army, that army must use the Pretenders battle trait.


Battalion Abilities
Fanatical Guardians

Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by units from this battalion while the unit is wholly within 12" of the INFERNAL ENRAPTURESS from the same battalion.

Used By (1)
Chaos - Slaanesh(Catalogue)