Kayzk the Befouled [LEGENDS]

Type: unit
Category: Leader
Categories: CHAOS, HERO, MORTAL, NURGLE, TAMURKHAN'S HORDE, KAZYK THE BEFOULED, 9 or less wounds Leader, Leader, Unique
EntryId: 4a59-0040-d9db-e1ca
Hidden: true
Costs: 130 pts


max(roster): 1
Options (5)
Incarnate Bonding:


Unit MoveWoundsBraverySave
Kayzk the Befouled





Unit Abilities
Corrupted Flesh

This unit has a ward of 5+.

Noxious Blades

If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with this model’s Noxious Blades is 6, the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack is 3 instead of D3.

Command Trait
Breath of the Plague Pit

In the combat phase, after this model has fought in that phase for the first time, you can pick 1 friendly TAMURKHAN'S HORDE unit that has not fought in that combat phase, that is within 3" of an enemy unit and that is wholly within 12" of this unit. That friendly unit fights immediately.


set hidden false
1 Tamurkhan's Horde Army [LEGENDS] in roster (recursive)
Used By (2)
Chaos - Nurgle(Catalogue)