Battalion: Khorne Bloodbound Murderband (Open Play)

Type: upgrade
Category: Warscroll Battalion
Categories: Warscroll Battalion
LinkId: 42d8-a359-90ec-95f7
Hidden: false
Options (3)
1 Slaughterpriest:
1 unit of Blood Warriors:
1 unit of Mighty Skullcrushers:


Battalion Abilities
Murderous Blessings

In your hero phase, a Murderband's Slaughterpriest can pray for a Murderous Blessing in addition to using his Bloodfuelled Prayers. If he does so, roll a dice. If you roll a 3 or more, until your next hero phase you can re-roll failed wound rolls made for him and other units from his Murderband that are within 8". On a 1, however, he suffers a mortal wound.

Used By (1)
Chaos - Khorne(Catalogue)