Skull Altar

Type: upgrade
Category: Scenery
Categories: Scenery
EntryId: 3bff-8d6b-bf69-fc6c
Hidden: false


Unit Abilities

This terrain feature is a defensible terrain feature that can be garrisoned by 1 HERO with a Wounds characteristic of 8 or less.

Invoke Judgement

While a KHORNE HERO garrisons this terrain features, it can attempt to summon invocations in the same manner as a KHORNE PRIEST and benefits from the "Words of Hate" ability when it does so.


While any terrain feature with this scenery rule is on the battlefield, if a spell is miscast, the caster suffers D6 mortal wounds instead of D3.

Words of Hate

You can re-roll chanting rolls for friendly KHORNE PRIESTS wholly within 8" of this terrain feature.

Used By (1)
Chaos - Khorne(Catalogue)