Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs

Type: unit
EntryId: e36d-11d8-5d9a-1198
Hidden: false
Options (3)


Unit Troop TypeUnit Size
Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs

Light Cavalry


Special Rule
Fear of Elves:

Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.


A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt a Skirmish formation, as described on page 184.


If during the Declare Charges & Charge Reactions sub-phase of its turn, a unit that includes one or more Impetuous models is able to declare a charge, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, the unit must declare a charge. On a roll of 4+, the unit may act as normal.


Unless it is fleeing, a Warband gains a positive (+) modifier to its Leadership characteristic equal to its current Rank Bonus, up to a maximum of Leadership 10. However, a Warband cannot use this modifier to its Leadership should it ever choose to make a Restraint test. In addition, if the majority of the models in a unit have this special rule, it may re-roll its Charge roll.

Note that unless a character also has this special rule, their Leadership cannot be modified by this special rule. A Warband can use either its own modified Leadership, the modified Leadership of a Warband character, or the unmodified Leadership of a non-Warband character, whichever is the higher.

Fast Cavalry:

If all of the models (including characters) within a unit arrayed in an Open Order formation have this special rule, the unit may perform its Quick Turn (see page 183) even if it marched.

Open Order:

A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt an Open Order formation, as described on page 182.

Chariot Runners:

Friendly models whose troop type is ‘chariot’ can draw a line of sight over or through models with this special rule and can move through friendly units of Chariot Runners that are in Skirmish formation. If the chariot’s move would result in it ending up ‘on top’ of a Chariot Runner, simply nudge the Chariot Runner aside, by the smallest amount possible, to make space for the chariot. Whilst in Skirmish formation units of Chariot Runners can treat friendly chariots that are within 1" of one or more of the unit’s models as a part of the unit for the purposes of unit coherency.


A unit with this special rule increases its maximum possible charge range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll, may apply a +D6 modifier to the result.

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