Which Models can Attack

Description: Models in base contact with an enemy attack during their Initiative Step (remember that models are considered to be in base contact across gaps: see ). Models from both sides attack in each player's Melee Phase.

Supporting Attacks

Models in the second rank and not in base contact with any enemy models can perform Close Combat Attacks across models in the first rank directly in front of them. These Close Combat Attacks are called Supporting Attacks. A model part that performs Supporting Attacks always has a maximum Attack Value of X, where X is defined by the Height of the model (see ).

Which models can attack?Models colour-coded with a darker shade can all strike. Models with a bold frame count as being in base contact with an enemy; note that models are considered to be in base contact across gaps. Models colour-coded with a lighter shade cannot make Supporting Attacks.
Unit C is in Line Formation and thus both the second and third rank can make Supporting Attacks. Unit B is not Engaged in its Front Facing; its models cannot make Supporting Attacks to their Flank or Rear; they could only strike across the first rank.