To-Hit Modifiers

Description: Shooting Attacks may suffer one or more to-hit modifiers to their to-hit rolls. If so, simply modify the dice roll for the shot with the given modifiers. The most common to-hit modifiers are explained below and summarised in table table/to_hit_modifiers. If one or more hits are scored, follow the procedure described under . A natural roll of ‘1’ is always a miss.

Long Range : -1
(if Accurate) : 0
Moving and Shooting : -1
(if Quick to Fire) : 0
(if Unwieldy) : -2
(if both) : -1
Stand and Shoot : -1
Soft Cover : -1
Hard Cover : -2
Hard Target (X) : -X

Summary of to-hit modifiers.

Long Range

If the distance from the shooting model to the target is more than half the weapon's maximum range, the shooting model suffers a -1 to-hit modifier. Remember that you measure range for each shooting model individually.

For rules purposes, any model not shooting at Long Range is considered to be at Short Range.

Moving and Shooting

A model that has moved during this Player Turn suffers a -1 to-hit modifier.

Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction\

Shooting Attacks made as part of a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction suffer a -1 to-hit modifier.


Cover is determined individually for each shooting model. There are two types of Cover: Soft Cover and Hard Cover. The most common reason for applying Cover is the target being obscured by Terrain or other models, or the target being inside a Terrain Feature.

Determine if the target benefits from Cover as follows:

1 - Determine which Arc of the target the shooting model is Located in. The corresponding Facing is referred to as Target Facing.\
2 - Choose any point on the shooting model's Front Facing.\
3 - For targets on rectangular bases:

• From the chosen point, check how large the fraction of the Target Facing is that is behind obstructions (see figures figure/hard_cover and figure/soft_and_hard_cover).

• If half or more of the Target Facing is obscured, the target benefits from Cover.

For targets on round bases:

• From the chosen point, check whether the nearest point on the Target Facing, referred to as Target Point, is behind obstructions.

• If this point is obscured, the target benefits from Cover.

Note that:

• This is not Line of Sight. Check what is behind obstructions even outside of the shooting model's Front Arc.

• Models always ignore their own unit and the Terrain Feature they are inside for Cover purposes (e.g. a model shooting from a Forest doesn't suffer a Soft Cover modifier for shooting through or at a target inside that Forest).

Target Benefiting from Soft Cover\

Example of Soft Cover inside a Terrain Feature.
a) The left model in unit A is Located in unit B's Flank Arc, so unit B's Flank Facing is the Target Facing. More than half of the Target Facing is obscured inside the Forest, so unit B benefits from Soft Cover against the left model.
b) The right model in unit A is Located in unit B's Front Arc, so unit B's Front Facing is the Target Facing. Less than half of the Target Facing is obscured inside the Forest, so unit B does not benefit from Soft Cover against the right model.

A model shooting at a target that benefits from Soft Cover suffers a -1 to-hit modifier. Soft Cover applies if more than half of the Target Facing or the Target Point is obscured by either:

Covering Terrain that contributes to Soft Cover

Models that do not block Line of Sight, except if the target and/or the shooting model is of Gigantic Height (see ), and the obscuring model is of Standard Height (in which case no cover is applied) (remember that Skirmisher and Tall affect what blocks Line of Sight)

For examples, see figure figure/cover_inside_terrain for Cover inside Terrain, and figure figure/soft_cover_and_intervening_models for Cover behind intervening models.

Target Benefiting from Hard Cover\

A model shooting at a target that benefits from Hard Cover suffers a -2 to-hit modifier. Hard Cover applies if more than half of the Target Facing or the Target Point is obscured by either:

Covering Terrain that contributes to Hard Cover

Models that do block Line of Sight (remember that Skirmisher and Tall affect what blocks Line of Sight)

See figure figure/hard_cover for an example of Hard Cover.

Target Benefiting from Soft and Hard Cover

If a target benefits from both Soft and Hard Cover, only apply the Hard Cover modifier.

If parts of the Target Facing are obscured by obstructions that contribute to Soft and Hard Cover, but not enough to grant either Soft Cover or Hard Cover, apply only the Soft Cover modifier if more than half of the Target Facing is obscured. For example, if 30% of the Target Facing is obscured by Terrain contributing to Soft Cover, and another 30% by Terrain contributing to Hard Cover, then apply the Soft Cover modifier as 60% of the Target Facing is obscured in total (see figure figure/soft_and_hard_cover).