Description: A unit containing a model with this rule is referred to as a Support Unit. A Support Unit with at least one Proper Rank is considered to have at least half the number of Proper Ranks as the friendly Parent Unit with the most Proper Ranks within 8", rounding fractions up.
During the opponent's Charge Phase, Support Units may perform one of the following actions:
• The Support Unit may perform an out of sequence Shooting Attack against an enemy unit, that has successfully performed a Charge Move into a friendly Parent Unit within 8". Apply the normal rules for Shooting Attacks, ignoring the Parent Unit for Cover and Line of Sight purposes.
• After enemy units finish their Charge Moves, Support Units within 8" of a successfully charged friendly Parent Unit may Counter Charge: choose one enemy unit that Charged the Parent Unit and declare a Charge with the Support Unit, applying the normal rules for Charging (such as Line of Sight, Front Arc, rolls for Charge Range, etc).