
Description: Units with Scout may be deployed using Special Deployment rules. All units that will be deployed using the Scout rule must be declared at step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence (after Spell Selection), starting with the player who chose their Deployment Zone. Scout deployment is conducted on Step 5 of the Deployment Phase (Deploy Scouting Units). If both players have Scouting units, alternate unit placement (one unit at a time), starting with the player who first completed their normal deployment. Scouting units have three deployment options:

• Fully inside your Deployment Zone, using the normal deployment rules

• Anywhere on the Battlefield at least 18" away from enemy units

• Anywhere on the Battlefield fully inside a Field, Forest, Ruins, or Water Terrain Feature and at least 12" away from enemy units

Scouting units that aren't placed fully inside their Deployment Zone may not declare Charges in the first Player Turn of the first Game Turn (there are no Scout Charge restrictions after the first Player Turn).

Skirmish formation.
a) An example of a unit in skirmish formation with a joined Mismatching Character.
b) The same unit Engaged in Combat. Models with bold frame can attack a Character (either C_1 or C_2). Models with dashed frame cannot attack at all.