Removing R&F Models from\ Units Engaged in Combat

Description: The removal of casualties from Engaged units follows the general rules for Removing R&F models above. In addition, if the unit is in a single rank, remove casualties from either side of the unit so that the following conditions are satisfied as well as possible for each batch of simultaneous casualties after any illegal formations are fixed (see ), in decreasing priority order:

• 1th priority: As few units as possible Drop out of Combat (see ).

• 2th priority: As few units as possible lose base contact without Dropping out of Combat.

• 3th priority: The number of models in base contact is maximised after nudging all units.

• 4th priority: Casualties are removed as equally as possible from both sides of the unit.

If it is unavoidable to break one or more of the above conditions, you must avoid breaking the higher priority order conditions, even if this means the total number of conditions you break is higher. As long as all above conditions are satisfied as well as possible, the owner is free to remove casualties as they please. See figure figure/removing_rnf_models for examples.


Removing R&F models from units Engaged in Combat.This figure shows how models are removed as casualties from a unit that is Engaged with one or more enemy units according to Removing R&F Models from Units Engaged in Combat. In all examples, 3 models are removed as casualties from the green Combined Unit containing a Character in its first rank.
a) One of these casualties is the model in the second rank, and the other two have to be removed from both sides of the first rank according to the 4th priority. Since there is a Character on the right side of the unit, the R&F model to its left is removed instead, and the Character is slid into the removed model's spot.
b) In order to maximise the number of models in base contact (3th priority), the model in the second rank and the two rightmost R&F models from the first rank are removed as casualties. The Character is slid into the spot of a removed R&F model.
c) In order not to have unit B lose base contact by removing casualties (2th priority), the model in the second rank and the two rightmost R&F models from the first rank are removed as casualties. The Character is slid into the spot of a removed R&F model.
d) In order not to cause any units to Drop out of Combat (1th priority), the model in the second rank and the two leftmost R&F models from the first rank are removed as casualties. Unit B loses contact but is nudged back into combat (see ).
e) In order to cause as few units as possible to Drop out of Combat (1st priority), the model in the second rank and the two rightmost R&F models from the first rank are removed as casualties. The Character is slid into the spot of a removed R&F model. Unit D loses contact and cannot be nudged back into combat, so that it Drops out of Combat (see ).