Removing Casualties

Description: Whenever the rules tell you to remove models as casualties, remove the models from the Battlefield following the rules below. Models that have been removed as casualties no longer affect the game in any way, but they may award Victory Points to the opponent (see ).

Removing R&F Models

If the unit is in multiple ranks, R&F casualties are removed from the rear rank by the owner one by one, in any order they choose.

If casualties are removed from the first rank, remove models one by one as equally as possible from both sides of the unit. Note that this only applies to each batch of simultaneous attacks.

If a model of a different Health Pool is in a position that would normally be removed as a casualty, remove the next eligible R&F model and redistribute the models in the unit into a legal formation, following the rules described in .

Removing R&F Models from\ Units Engaged in Combat

The removal of casualties from Engaged units follows the general rules for Removing R&F models above. In addition, if the unit is in a single rank, remove casualties from either side of the unit so that the following conditions are satisfied as well as possible for each batch of simultaneous casualties after any illegal formations are fixed (see ), in decreasing priority order:

• 1th priority: As few units as possible Drop out of Combat (see ).

• 2th priority: As few units as possible lose base contact without Dropping out of Combat.

• 3th priority: The number of models in base contact is maximised after nudging all units.

• 4th priority: Casualties are removed as equally as possible from both sides of the unit.

If it is unavoidable to break one or more of the above conditions, you must avoid breaking the higher priority order conditions, even if this means the total number of conditions you break is higher. As long as all above conditions are satisfied as well as possible, the owner is free to remove casualties as they please. See figure figure/removing_rnf_models for examples.


Removing R&F models from units Engaged in Combat.This figure shows how models are removed as casualties from a unit that is Engaged with one or more enemy units according to Removing R&F Models from Units Engaged in Combat. In all examples, 3 models are removed as casualties from the green Combined Unit containing a Character in its first rank.
a) One of these casualties is the model in the second rank, and the other two have to be removed from both sides of the first rank according to the 4th priority. Since there is a Character on the right side of the unit, the R&F model to its left is removed instead, and the Character is slid into the removed model's spot.
b) In order to maximise the number of models in base contact (3th priority), the model in the second rank and the two rightmost R&F models from the first rank are removed as casualties. The Character is slid into the spot of a removed R&F model.
c) In order not to have unit B lose base contact by removing casualties (2th priority), the model in the second rank and the two rightmost R&F models from the first rank are removed as casualties. The Character is slid into the spot of a removed R&F model.
d) In order not to cause any units to Drop out of Combat (1th priority), the model in the second rank and the two leftmost R&F models from the first rank are removed as casualties. Unit B loses contact but is nudged back into combat (see ).
e) In order to cause as few units as possible to Drop out of Combat (1st priority), the model in the second rank and the two rightmost R&F models from the first rank are removed as casualties. The Character is slid into the spot of a removed R&F model. Unit D loses contact and cannot be nudged back into combat, so that it Drops out of Combat (see ).

Removing Champions and\ Characters

When Champions and Characters are removed as casualties, they are removed from their positions within the unit. Depending on the unit's formation, other models may then be moved to fill empty spots, following the same guidelines as for casualty removal above and the rules for Matching Bases (see Front Rank).

Removing All Models from a Unit

When a unit loses all remaining Health Points due to a batch of simultaneous attacks, the models are not removed as casualties one by one but the entire unit is removed as a casualty.

Illegal Formation after Removing\ Models

If the removal of a model would lead to an illegal formation (there can only be gaps in an incomplete rear rank; see Units), immediately redistribute or slide models in the unit without changing the direction that the unit is facing until the formation is legal, following the rules below:

• 1th

• 2th

• 3th

a) If the illegal formation is solely caused by a gap in the first rank and there aren't any models outside the first rank that could fill the gap, close the gap by sliding all models from one side of the gap towards the other side of the gap. If the illegal formation is solely caused by a gap in the first rank and there are models outside the first rank, the gap must be filled by redistributing these models.
Redistribute and/or slide models so that the following conditions are satisfied as well as possible, in decreasing priority order (ignore the first 3 priorites for unengaged units):

• 1th priority: As few units as possible Drop out of Combat (see ).

• 2th priority: As few units as possible lose base contact without Dropping out of Combat.

• 3th priority: The number of models in base contact is maximised after nudging all units.

• 4th priority: Change the width of the unit as little as possible.

• 5th priority: Slide as few models as possible; in case of a draw, the owner decides which half of the models to slide. If the illegal formation cannot be resolved by sliding models, redistribute as few models as possible.

b) If the illegal formation is also caused by gaps outside the first rank, fill the gaps following the rules for Matching Bases (see Front Rank).

If a legal formation cannot be achieved by sliding and/or redistributing models, remove as few models in illegal positions as possible as casualties until the legal formation can be achieved by sliding and/or redistributing models.

Removing Lasting Effects

Whenever a model that applies any effects to other elements in the game is removed as a casualty, unless specifically stated otherwise, these effects end immediately. This also applies to effects with a specified duration like activated effects with One use only.