Random Movement

Description: Units with Random Movement do not follow normal rules for Charging, Move Manoeuvres, Pursue Moves or Flee Moves. Instead, apply the following:

  • During the Charge Phase, the model cannot Declare any Charges.

  • At any time the model would perform a Move Manoeuvre, the unit performs a Pursue Move (see Melee chapter) with the following exceptions:

  • It must move in the Movement Phase if allowed to do so, and it must do so before any units without Random Movement have performed their Move Manoeuvres.

  • It moves the distance stated in brackets (X).

  • It can choose which direction it will move in. The owning player must choose which direction before rolling the Pursuit Distance.

  • It does not take Dangerous Terrain Tests unless Charging.

  • It treats the Board Edge as Impassable Terrain.

  • It counts as an Advance Move for the purpose of Moving and Shooting.

  • Note that this means a model with Random Movement cannot perform Magical Moves or use Vanguard.

  • The model’s Pursue and Flee moves use the distance stated in brackets (X), instead of the normal distance.

Whenever a rule requires the Mobility or Charge Speed of the model, use the potential maximum value of X.