R&F Models in a Combined Unit\ Wiped out

Description: If a Combined Unit has all its R&F models removed as casualties, leaving one or more Characters behind, the remaining Characters will stay a Combined Unit, which is considered to be the same unit for ongoing effects (such as One Turn spells) and Panic (the unit has not been destroyed; the Characters in this Combined Unit may have to take a Panic Test if they have suffered 25% or more casualties). They are treated as a new unit for Rally Tests (i.e. Characters that were part of Fleeing Combined Units at 25% or less of their starting number of Health Points take Rally Tests on their normal Discipline). Models with Front Rank that are positioned in a rank other than the first when the last R&F model is removed as a casualty remain in the rank they occupy (this may result in the reduction of files compared to the unit's original formation), unless this would cause an illegal formation (see ).