Move Chargers

Description: After all Charges have been declared and all Charge Reactions have been declared and completed, Chargers will attempt to move into combat. Choose a unit that has declared a Charge in this phase, roll its Charge Range, and then perform the Charge Move. Repeat these steps with all units that have declared a Charge in this phase.

Charge Range

A unit's Charge Range is normally 2D6" plus the unit's Advance Rate, using the lowest Advance Rate among the unit's models.

• If the Charge Range is equal to or higher than the distance between the Charger and the Charged unit, and if there is enough space to complete the Charge, the Charge is successful and the Charger performs a Charge Move.

• If the Charge Range is less than the distance between the Charger and the Charged unit, or if there is not enough space to complete the Charge (see ), the Charge has failed and the Charger performs a Failed Charge Move.

Align moves.
In all 5 examples, unit A Charges the Front Facing of unit B.
a), b), and c) The align move of the Charging unit is made in the direction of alignment with the Charged Facing, so these align moves are legal.
d) The Charging unit cannot align due to the Impassable Terrain. In this situation, the Charged unit has to perform the align move.
e) When contacting the Charged Facing during its Charge Move using Flying Movement, unit A overlaps the Impassable Terrain. Rotating clockwise, unit A would still overlap the Impassable Terrain at the end of its Charge Move, which is not allowed. In order to clear the Impassable Terrain, unit A would have to rotate counter-clockwise. This align move is not legal because it it is not made in the direction of alignment with the Charged Facing.

Charge Move

A Charge Move is resolved as follows:

• The unit can move forwards an unlimited distance.

• A single Wheel can be performed during the move (a Wheel may not exceed 90, see ).

• The Front Facing of the Charging unit must contact the Charged unit in the Facing determined when declaring the Charge Reaction.

• The Charging unit is allowed to come within 0.5" of other units and Impassable Terrain as per the Unit Spacing rule. It can only move into base contact with an enemy unit that it declared a Charge against (remember that it is allowed to come into base contact with friendly units and Impassable Terrain).

• Align units (see aligning_units below).

Aligning Units

After the Charger manages to move into base contact with the Charged unit, the units must now be aligned towards each other. An align move is performed as follows:

1 - The owner rotates the Charging unit around the point where it contacted the enemy (see figure figure/align), so that the Charging unit's Front Facing and the Charged unit's Facing in which it was contacted are parallel.\
2 - Instead, if this will not align the two units properly, for example due to interfering Terrain or other units, players may rotate the Charged unit so that the Charged unit’s contacted Facing and the Charging unit’s Front Facing are parallel if this will achieve proper contact between them, or do a combination of the two, starting with the Charging unit and rotating the enemy unit as little as possible.\


Maximising contact.
a) Unit B Charges an enemy unit. Follow the priority order given by Maximising Contact when moving the Charger.1. Not Charging multiple enemy units
2. Maximising the number of units Engaged in Combat
3. Not rotating the enemy unit
4. Maximising the number of models in contact with one or more enemy models

b1) OK.1. Not applicable
2. Not applicable
3. The Charged unit is not rotated
4. The number of models is maximised without breaking priority 3. A total of 11 (5 vs 6) models is in base contact with one or more enemy models

b2) Not OK.1. Not applicable
2. Not applicable
3. The Charged unit is rotated. The Charge is illegal
4. The number of models is maximised. A total of 12 (5 vs 7) models is in base contact with one or more enemy models, which is more than b1). This is irrelevant though since the Charge is illegal due to the Charged unit being rotated

Align moves can only be made in the direction of alignment with the enemy unit's Charged Facing (see
figure figure/charge_frontage). The Charged unit must only be moved if it is the only way to align the units. Units can never be moved if they are already Engaged in Combat. These moves are considered part of the Charge Move, so they may bring the units within 0.5" of other units and Impassable Terrain as per the Unit Spacing rule. A unit that is forced to make an align move when it is Charged never has to take Dangerous Terrain Tests due to this move.

Maximising Contact

Charge Moves must be made so the following conditions are satisfied as well as possible, in decreasing priority order.

• 1th priority: Make contact with no enemy units other than the one that was Charged. If it will be unavoidable to make contact with more than one enemy unit, make contact with as few enemy units as possible. Follow the rules for Multiple Charges.

• 2th priority: Maximise the total number of Charging units that make contact (note that this is only applicable when multiple units Charge the same unit).

• 3th priority: Avoid rotating the Charged unit (see ). If it is unavoidable, rotate the unit as little as possible. Remember that units Engaged in Combat cannot be rotated.

• 4th priority: Maximise the number of models (on both sides) in base contact with at least one enemy model (including models fighting across gaps).

See figure figure/maximising_contact for an example.

If it is unavoidable to break one or more of the above conditions, you must avoid breaking the higher priority order conditions, even if this means the total number of conditions you break is higher. As long as all above conditions are satisfied as best is possible, Charging units are free to move as they please (following the rules for Moving Chargers).

Multiple Charges.
a) When Charging unit D in the Front Facing, unit A cannot avoid contacting unit C, so the rules for Multiple Charges apply. Unit A declares a Charge against D as its initial target and a secondary Charge against C. Both Charged units have to Hold as they are already Engaged in Combat.
b) Units B, C, and D are aligned and in base contact with one another (this situation may arise if all 3 units had previously Charged and destroyed an enemy unit). Unit A cannot avoid contacting more than one enemy unit when Charging unit C, so the rules for Multiple Charges apply.
As per the rules for Maximising Contact as few enemy units as possible must be contacted (1th priority), so A must declare a secondary Charge against either unit B or unit D. In case neither unit C nor the target of the secondary Charge Flee as a Charge Reaction, A moves into contact with both units, maximising the number of models in base contact according to the 4th priority (position 1 in case unit B was Charged, position 2 in case unit D was Charged).

Multiple Charges

If it will be unavoidable for a Charging unit to contact more than one enemy unit during the Charge Move, the rules for Multiple Charges are applied when declaring Charges:

• First declare a Charge against a single initial target as normal.

• If the initial target of the Charge declares a Charge Reaction other than Flee, the Charging unit must, after the initial target has declared and resolved its Charge Reaction, successively declare secondary Charges against all enemy units it cannot avoid contacting, in an order chosen by the Active Player.

• The targets of secondary Charges declare and perform Charge Reactions as normal.

• If the initial target of the Charge Flees or is destroyed before the Charging unit is moved, ignore all secondary Charges and treat the Charge as a normal Charge against the initial target only.

• If a target of a secondary Charge Flees, the Charging unit is not allowed to redirect the Charge, unless the initial target also Flees.

• If a Multiple Charge no longer is unavoidable after all Charges have been declared and after all Charge Reactions have been performed, ignore all secondary Charges and treat the Charge as a normal Charge against the initial target only.

Note that if contacting more than one enemy unit becomes unavoidable only after all Charges have been declared and all Charge Reactions have been performed, the rules for Multiple Charges do not apply and the Charging unit performs a Failed Charge Move.

See figure figure/multiple_charges for examples in which the rules for Multiple Charges apply.

Combined Charges

When declaring a Charge against a unit against which one or more other friendly units already declared Charges during the same Charge Phase, you are allowed to declare the Charge even if the Charged Facing is not wide enough to enable contact with all Charging units. In addition, when more than one unit has declared a Charge against the same enemy unit, Chargers are moved in a slightly different order:

1 - Roll Charge Range for each unit Charging that same unit before moving any of them.\
2 - Check which units would be able to reach their target (sufficiently high Charge Range rolls, no other units blocking the Charge Move, etc.).\
3 - Perform the Charge Moves of all Charging units (including those failing their Charge) in the order that best satisfies the priority order of the Maximising Contact rule after all Charge Moves are completed. For determining the order, do not take into account any potential casualties inflicted on any Charging unit (e.g. by failed Dangerous Terrain Tests). The Charged unit may only be rotated if this is required to enable the first Charging unit to complete its Charge.\
See figure figure/combined_charges for an example.


Combined Charges.a) Multiple units declaring a Charge against a single unit. Follow the priority order given by Maximising Contact.1. Not Charging multiple enemy units
2. Maximising the number of Charging units in the combat
3. Not rotating the Charged unit
4. Maximising the number of models in contact with one or more enemy models

b1) OK1. Not applicable
2. Maximised. 4 Charging units are Engaged (unit A's Front Facing is only wide enough for 3 of the 4 Charging units in the Front Arc)
3. Not applicable
4. Maximised without breaking priority 2. A total of 12 (4 vs 8) models is in contact with one or more enemy models. Notice that the flanking unit is only in contact with one enemy model. This is allowed because other models it could contact are already in contact with enemy models

b2) Not OK1. Not applicable
2. Maximised. 4 Charging units are Engaged
3. Not applicable
4. Not maximised. A total of 10 (4 vs 6) models is in contact with one or more enemy models

b3) Not OK1. Not applicable
2. Not maximised. Only 3 Charging units are Engaged. The Charge is illegal
3. Not applicable
4. Maximised. A total of 13 (4 vs 9) models is in contact with one or more enemy models, which is more than all the above. This is irrelevant though since the Charge is illegal due to the number of units not being maximised

b4) Not OK1. Not applicable
2. Maximised. 4 Charging units are Engaged
3. Not applicable
4. Not maximised. A total of 10 (4 vs 6) models is in contact with one or more enemy models. The Charge is illegal

Engaged in Combat

As soon as a unit completes a Charge, it is Engaged in Combat. Units are considered Engaged in Combat (or short Engaged) as long as one or more models in the unit are in base contact and aligned with an enemy unit. In addition, if a unit is Engaged at the start of a Round of Combat, it counts as Engaged until the start of step 7 of the Round of Combat Sequence (before calculating Combat Score and taking Break Tests, even if it loses base contact with all enemy units before then).

If a unit is Engaged in Combat, all models in the unit are also considered to be Engaged in Combat. Units that are Engaged in Combat cannot move unless specifically stated otherwise (such as during Combat Reforms or when Breaking from Combat).

Charging a Fleeing Unit

When Charging a Fleeing unit, follow the rules for Charge Moves, except that the Charging unit can move into contact with any Facing of the Charged unit. Do not align or maximise base contact. Once the Charger makes contact with the Fleeing unit, the Fleeing unit is removed as a casualty. Once the Fleeing unit has been removed, the Charging unit can take a Discipline Test. If the test is passed, the unit may perform a Post-Combat Pivot manoeuvre.

A unit that has Charged a Fleeing unit is Shaken until the end of the Player Turn.

Impossible Charge

Sometimes units block each other from reaching combat when moving the Chargers (or there is not enough space to fit all Chargers). When this happens, the units that can no longer make it into combat must make a Failed Charge Move.

Sometimes a unit can no longer complete its Charge Move due to casualties suffered during the Charge Move. When this happens, backtrack the move to the unit's position before the Charge Move, and perform a Failed Charge Move with the unit.

Failed Charge

When a unit does not roll a sufficient Charge Range, or is otherwise unable to complete the Charge, it performs a Failed Charge Move, comprising an initial Wheel and a subsequent straight forward move, as follows:

1 - The move distance of a Failed Charge Move is equal to the highest D6 of the Charge Range roll.\
2 - Wheel the unit until it is facing directly towards the Centre of its intended target, or if it was destroyed, towards the final position of the Centre of the unit, or until it cannot Wheel anymore due to obstructions (whichever comes first).\
3 - Move the unit straight forward the remaining move distance.\
A Failed Charge Move may bring the unit within 0.5" of other units and Impassable Terrain as per the Unit Spacing rule.

Models in a unit that performs a Failed Charge Move are Shaken until the end of the Player Turn. Units that have completed a Failed Charge Move are no longer considered Charging.

Examples of Charges where Blocked Path is applicable.
a1) Unit B Charges unit A, but the units cannot be aligned towards each other, solely due to the enemy unit C.
a2) Unit B performs a Blocked Path move: it moves forwards until it contacts unit A.
a3) Unit A then performs a Combat Reform to align the units.
b1) Unit F Charges unit E, but the units cannot be aligned towards each other due to the enemy unit D and the Impassable Terrain.
b2) Unit F performs a Blocked Path move: it moves forwards until it contacts unit E.
b3) Unit E then performs a Combat Reform to align the units.

Blocked Path

To prevent abusive situations where a unit cannot Charge an enemy unit well within Charge Range and Line of Sight due to a convoluted positioning of enemy units, potentially in conjunction with Impassable Terrain or the Board Edge, the following rules are applied.

A unit can declare a Charge against an unengaged enemy unit and make a special Charge Move as described below, if it is unable to declare a normal Charge in the Charge Phase solely due to any of the following reasons:

• Unengaged enemy units

• The combination of at least two unengaged enemy units and one or more Impassable Terrain Features

• The Board Edge preventing alignment

Move the unit straight forward up to its Charge Range. If this brings the Charging unit into base contact with the enemy unit against which the Charge was declared, that unit is Charged. Instead of Aligning Units as normal, the enemy unit performs a Combat Reform to bring the units into alignment with each other (see ).

Combat Reform, ignoring the restriction for models moving only up to their March Rate during the Combat Reform, so that:

• The Charged Facing determined when declaring the Charge Reaction is aligned with the Charging unit.

• The Charging unit is Engaged in its Front Facing.

• The Charged unit does not change its number of ranks or files.

• The number of models (on both sides) in base contact with an enemy is maximised.

If it is not possible to align the units without changing the number of ranks or files, you may change the number of ranks and files and do not have to maximise models in base contact. If this does not enable the Charged unit to align, it must be aligned with a Facing other than the Charged Facing. If the enemy unit is unable to perform a Combat Reform to align the units, the Blocked Path Charge Move cannot be performed.

Figure figure/blocked_path illustrates Blocked Path situations.


Example of a Charge Phase involving multiple units.a) 1. Unit A declares a Charge against unit E.
2. Unit E declares and resolves a Hold Charge Reaction.
3. Unit C declares a Charge against unit G.
4. Unit G declares and resolves a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction, inflicting 1 casualty on unit C.
b) 1. Unit B declares a Charge against unit E.
2. Unit E declares and resolves a Flee Charge Reaction, rolling 5" for the Flee Distance. The Flee Move would make unit E end its move inside unit F's Unit Boundary, so the Flee Distance is extended for unit E to get clear of unit F.
3. Unit F takes a Panic Test for the friendly unit E Fleeing through its Unit Boundary and passes the test.
c) 1. Since unit E performed a Flee Charge Reaction, unit A may attempt to Redirect the Charge. The unit however fails the Discipline Test, so it must try to complete the Charge against unit E.
2. Unit B also attempts to Redirect the Charge and passes the Discipline Test. Unit B now declares a Charge against unit F.
3. Unit F declares and performs a Hold Charge Reaction.
d) 1. Unit D declares a Charge against the Fleeing unit E. Note that this Charge is legal although at this point unit D could not complete this Charge as unit C would block the Charge Move, because already declared Charges are taken into account when determining if there is enough room for a Charging unit to complete the Charge.
2. Since unit E is already Fleeing, it must declare and perform another Flee Charge Reaction, rolling 3" for the Flee Distance. As before, the Flee Distance is extended until unit E gets clear of unit F. Unit F does not take a Panic Test for a friendly unit Fleeing through its Unit Boundary as it already passed a Panic Test during this phase.
e) 1. Unit D attempts to Redirect the Charge and passes the Discipline Test. Unit D declares a Charge against unit F.
2. Unit F declares and performs a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction, inflicting 2 casualties on unit D.
3. Unit D takes and passes a Panic Test for losing 25% or more Health Points.

Example of a Charge Phase involving multiple units -- part 2.After all Charges have been declared and all Charge Reactions have been declared and performed, the Active Player moves all the units that declared Charges this turn, by rolling a unit's Charge Range and then moving the unit, in an order chosen by the Active Player.
a) Unit C rolls a sufficiently high Charge Range to reach unit G. Unit C performs a Charge Move against unit G.
b) Unit A rolls a sufficiently high Charge Range to reach the Fleeing unit E. Unit A performs a Charge Move against unit E. Since unit E was Fleeing, it is removed as a casualty as soon as the Charging unit moves into contact (without aligning or maximising base contact).
c) Unit A performs and passes a Discipline Test in order to perform a Post-Combat Pivot after successfully Charging a Fleeing unit.
d) Since units B and D both Charge the same enemy unit, both units roll their Charge Range before any of the units that are part of the Combined Charge is moved. Unit B rolls a sufficiently high Charge Range, while unit D fails the Charge Range roll.
e) Unit B performs a Charge Move against unit F, following the rules for . Unit D performs a Failed Charge Move towards unit F.
