Maximising Contact

Description: Charge Moves must be made so the following conditions are satisfied as well as possible, in decreasing priority order.

• 1th priority: Make contact with no enemy units other than the one that was Charged. If it will be unavoidable to make contact with more than one enemy unit, make contact with as few enemy units as possible. Follow the rules for Multiple Charges.

• 2th priority: Maximise the total number of Charging units that make contact (note that this is only applicable when multiple units Charge the same unit).

• 3th priority: Avoid rotating the Charged unit (see ). If it is unavoidable, rotate the unit as little as possible. Remember that units Engaged in Combat cannot be rotated.

• 4th priority: Maximise the number of models (on both sides) in base contact with at least one enemy model (including models fighting across gaps).

See figure figure/maximising_contact for an example.

If it is unavoidable to break one or more of the above conditions, you must avoid breaking the higher priority order conditions, even if this means the total number of conditions you break is higher. As long as all above conditions are satisfied as best is possible, Charging units are free to move as they please (following the rules for Moving Chargers).

Multiple Charges.
a) When Charging unit D in the Front Facing, unit A cannot avoid contacting unit C, so the rules for Multiple Charges apply. Unit A declares a Charge against D as its initial target and a secondary Charge against C. Both Charged units have to Hold as they are already Engaged in Combat.
b) Units B, C, and D are aligned and in base contact with one another (this situation may arise if all 3 units had previously Charged and destroyed an enemy unit). Unit A cannot avoid contacting more than one enemy unit when Charging unit C, so the rules for Multiple Charges apply.
As per the rules for Maximising Contact as few enemy units as possible must be contacted (1th priority), so A must declare a secondary Charge against either unit B or unit D. In case neither unit C nor the target of the secondary Charge Flee as a Charge Reaction, A moves into contact with both units, maximising the number of models in base contact according to the 4th priority (position 1 in case unit B was Charged, position 2 in case unit D was Charged).