List of Universal Rules



Units with Ambush may be deployed using Special Deployment rules. All units that will be deployed using the Ambush rule must be declared at step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence (after Spell Selection), starting with the player that chose their Deployment Zone. Deploy your army as usual, but without the Ambushing units. Starting with your Player Turn 2, immediately after step 2 of each friendly Movement Phase Sequence (after moving units with Random Movement), roll a dice for each of your Ambushing units. After rolling for all Ambushing units, all units that rolled 3+ enter the Battlefield from any Board Edge. Place the arriving units with their Rear Facing in contact and aligned with the Board Edge.

Ambushers are subject to the following rules and restrictions:

Ambushing models can neither March Move during the Movement Phase in which they arrive, nor can they voluntarily end that Movement Phase farther away from the Board Edge that they arrived from than their March Rate.

• For the purpose of shooting, Ambushing models count as having moved during the Player Turn they arrive on the Battlefield.

• If an Ambushing unit has not entered the Battlefield before the end of the game (e.g. due to failing all its 3+ rolls), the unit counts as destroyed.

• An Ambushing unit that enters the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses Scoring.

• An Ambushing Character may Ambush within an Ambushing unit that it is allowed to join (declare this when declaring which units are Ambushing). Roll only one dice for the Combined Unit.


The model must be deployed in a unit. The model can never voluntarily leave its unit.

Battle Standard Bearer

An army may only include a single Battle Standard Bearer. The model gains Rally Around the Flag and Not a Leader. If the model has the option to buy Special Items, it is allowed to buy up to two Banner Enchantments.


While a Character is joined to a unit in which at least one model has Bodyguard, that Character gains Stubborn. When Characters or Character types are stated in brackets, Bodyguard only works for the specified Characters or Character types.


During step 3 of the Magic Phase Sequence, each of the Active Player's models with Channel may add X Veil Tokens to its owner's Veil Token pool. This Universal Rule is cumulative, adding the X of each instance of Channel to the model's total Channel value (e.g. a model with Channel (1) and Channel (2) is treated like a model with Channel (3)).


The model gains Exclusive (Chariot), unless specifically stated otherwise, and it must roll an additional D6 when taking Dangerous Terrain Tests.

Commanding Presence

. The Discipline of all models in units, including Fleeing units, within 12" of a friendly non-Fleeing model with Commanding Presence may be set to the Discipline value of that model. This ability follows the normal rules for , meaning that effects modifying the Discipline of the model with Commanding Presence are applied before setting the recipient model's Discipline to that value; this value may then be further modified, yet any Discipline modifier, including Fear, regardless of ifs source, is only applied once for determining a model's Discipline value.

Deafening Clamour

The model is a Musician. The range of the model’s March to the Beat, and to enemy units that are required to take a March Test due to the model's unit, are both extended to 18".


Once per Shooting Phase, an unengaged Engineer may select a single War Machine within 6" that has not fired yet during this Shooting Phase to gain the following effects:

Set the Aim of one of the War Machine's Artillery Weapons to the value given in brackets (X+).

• You may reroll the roll on the Misfire Table.

• You may reroll the dice (all of them or none) for determining the number of hits of a Flamethrower Artillery Weapon.

The effects last until the end of the Shooting Phase.


Characters with Exclusive (X) can only join units that contain at least one model with (X), and units consisting entirely of models with Exclusive (X) can only be joined by models with Exclusive (X), where X specifies e.g. certain unit names, Model Rules, or upgrades. Models with Exclusive without any brackets can never join units or be joined by other models.


Units in base contact with one or more enemy models with Fear suffer -1 Discipline. At the start of each Round of Combat, such units must take a Discipline Test, called a Fear Test. If this test is failed, the models in the unit are Shaken and Close Combat Attacks made by models in the unit suffer -1 to hit, while Close Combat Attacks allocated towards models in the unit gain +1 to hit. These effects apply until the end of the Round of Combat. Models that have Fear themselves are immune to the effects of Fear.


If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction, unless already Fleeing. Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.

Feigned Flight

If a unit consisting entirely of models with Feigned Flight voluntarily chooses Flee as Charge Reaction and passes its Rally Test in its next Player Turn, it does not become Shaken. The Reform after Rallying in this case does not prevent the unit from moving nor from shooting, but the unit still counts as having moved. This rule does not apply if the unit Flees involuntarily (e.g. as the result of a failed Panic Test, or if it was already Fleeing when being Charged).


Units composed entirely of models with Fly may use Flying Movement during Charge Moves, Failed Charge Moves, Advance Moves, and March Moves. When a unit uses Flying Movement, substitute its models' Advance Rate with the first value given in brackets (X), and their March Rate with the second value given in brackets (Y). A unit using Flying Movement ignores, and is ignored by all Terrain Features and units during the Flying Movement, except for the Charged unit during a Charge Move. Note that:

• It must follow the Unit Spacing rule at the end of the move.

• It is affected by the Terrain Features from which it takes off and in which it lands.

• All modifiers to ground movement values also apply to a model's Fly values, unless specifically stated otherwise.

• When declaring a Charge with a unit with Fly, you must declare if the unit will not use Flying Movement for the Charge Move.

• A Failed Charge Move of a unit with Fly must use the type of movement (ground or Flying) that was chosen when the Charge was declared. If the unit would end its Failed Charge Move inside another unit's Unit Boundary or inside Impassable Terrain, backtrack the move to the unit's last legal position where it follows the Unit Spacing rule.


At the start of the Charge Phase, each of your non-Fleeing units with at least one model with Frenzy that is unengaged, does not contain any Shaken models, and has an enemy unit inside its Front Arc within the unit's Advance Rate +7" must take a Discipline Test, called a Frenzy Test. If the test is failed, the whole unit must declare a Charge this Player Turn if possible.

Units with at least one model with Frenzy gain Maximised (Frenzy Tests, Restrain Pursuit Tests)

If there are different Advance Rates available in the unit, the Advance Rate used for the Frenzy Test and for the Charge Range is determined as follows:

• If a model has more than one Advance Rate (e.g. due to Fly), the model must use the Advance Rate that has the highest chance of completing the Charge.

• If a unit contains models with different Advance Rates, the unit must use the highest Advance Rate that all models in the unit can use (which will usually be the lowest Advance Rate in the unit).

For example, a model with Advance Rate 2" and Fly (8", 16") must use the Advance Rate from Fly. And if a Character in a Combined Unit has Advance Rate 4" while the R&F models have 6", the Combined Unit must use Advance Rate 4". Note that when a unit is forced to declare a Charge due to a failed Frenzy Test, it is not forced to Charge the enemy unit that triggered the Frenzy Test.

Front Rank

Front Rank specifies where in a unit the model may be placed and how the model moves inside its unit.

Models with and models without Front Rank must be placed inside their units so that the following conditions are satisfied as best as possible, in decreasing priority order:

• 1th priority: The Front Facings of models without Front Rank must be placed as far backwards as possible.

• 2th priority: The Front Facings of models with Front Rank must be placed as far forwards as possible.

When making an Advance Move, March Move, or Reform with a unit that includes models with Front Rank, these models can be reorganised into a new position (still as far forwards as possible) as part of the move. This counts towards the distance moved by the unit (measure the distance from the starting position to the ending position of the centre of the model with Front Rank to determine how far it has moved).

A model with Front Rank can either have a Matching Base or a Mismatching Base.

Matching Bases

In Combined Units containing Characters and R&F models, a Character is considered to have a Matching Base if:

• The model has the same base size as the R&F models.

• The model's base is the same size as a multiple of the R&F models' bases (such as a 40×40 SI base in a 20×20 SI unit).

For Combined Units consisting entirely of Characters, Matching Bases are determined differently as these units do not contain any R&F models. The R&F base size for the purposes of Matching Bases must:

• Correspond to the base size of at least one of the Characters.

• Result in as few Characters as possible having Mismatching Bases; the owner chooses in case of a tie.

For example, in a unit consisting of a 25×25 SI Character and two 25×50 SI Characters, that base size is 25×25 SI as it does not result in any Mismatching Bases in the unit.

If the first rank is occupied by models with Front Rank, a model with Matching Base is placed in the second rank instead. If this rank is also occupied by models with Front Rank, it is placed in the third rank, and so on. Matching Bases are subject to the following rules and restrictions:

• If the model has a larger base than the R&F models, it is considered to be in all ranks its base occupies for the purposes of calculating Full Ranks. For calculating the number of models in the unit's ranks (e.g. for Full Ranks, Line Formation, Area Attack), the large base counts as the number of models it displaces, or would displace if there aren't enough models.

• If a model with a Matching Base has a longer base than the R&F models in the unit, the unit is allowed to have more than one incomplete rank if all incomplete ranks after the first consist entirely of models with such bases (for instance, the rear parts of long bases such as War Platforms are allowed to form several incomplete ranks).

• A model cannot join a unit that has more than one rank if its base is wider than the unit it wishes to join, nor can a unit Reform into a formation that is narrower than any model joined to the unit.

If a model with Front Rank moves inside or leaves a unit that has more than one rank, or if it is removed from such a unit as a casualty, the model's spot must be filled with models without Front Rank. If there aren't any models without Front Rank available, move models with Front Rank instead. Sometimes models with Front Rank must be redistributed in order for all such models to be as far forwards as possible. When this happens, immediately move as few models as possible in order to have all models with Front Rank as far forwards as possible.

If a model with Front Rank moves inside or leaves a unit that has a single rank, or if it is removed from such a unit as a casualty, gaps may be created in the unit. If this leads to an illegal formation (there can only be gaps in an incomplete rear rank; see Units), follow the rules in .

Mismatching Bases

Anything that is not a Matching Base is a Mismatching Base (such as a 50×75 SI base inside a 25×50 SI unit).

A model with Mismatching Base is always placed in base contact to the side of the unit, aligned with its front. Only two Mismatching Bases can be joined to a single unit (one at each side). These models are considered to be only in the first rank, but are ignored when counting the number of models in each rank in order to establish the number of Full Ranks and whether or not a unit is in Line Formation. They form a file of one model each.

During Advance Moves, March Moves, and Reforms, models with Mismatching Bases can only be moved to the other side of the unit as part of the move.

Figure figure/front_rank shows how models with Front Rank can be placed in a complex case.

Illustration of the Front Rank rule.Yellow models have Front Rank, green models do not.
a) A Character on a Mismatching Base is placed next to the unit. Characters on Matching Bases are placed inside the unit, as far forwards as possible. This unit is considered to have 3 Full Ranks.
b) When a model with Front Rank joins the unit, the small model with Front Rank in the second rank must be moved to the side in order to have all models with Front Rank as far forwards as possible.

Ghost Step

The model may choose to treat all Terrain Features as Open Terrain for movement purposes, but must follow the Unit Spacing rule upon the completion of its moves. It can never end its move inside Impassable Terrain. If this would be the case, backtrack the move to the unit's last legal position (unless Fleeing, in which case the normal rules for apply).

In addition, the model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests taken due to Terrain.


The model cannot be deployed during the Deployment Phase but must be deployed using Special Deployment rules. At the start of any Player Turn, the owner may choose a friendly unit that meets all the following conditions:

• The model with Hidden could have been deployed in it if it weren't for Hidden and any other Special Deployment.

• It has the same Type and Height as the model with Hidden.

• It contains 2 or more R&F models with the same base size as the model with Hidden, at least one of which must be in the first rank.

• It is not Fleeing nor a Summoned unit.

Then apply the following procedure:

• Remove a R&F model with the same base size as the model with Hidden from the chosen unit’s first rank as a casualty. Removing the model never causes a Panic Test.

• Deploy the model with Hidden in the position of the removed model.

• The model with Hidden cannot voluntarily leave its unit during the Player Turn in which it was deployed.

• If the model is not deployed by the end of Game Turn 4, it counts as a casualty and cannot be deployed for the rest of the game.

The model with Hidden is subject to the same ongoing effects as its unit, and counts as Charging if its unit Charged.

Hold the Line

Friendly units within 6" of a non-Fleeing unit containing one or more models with Hold the Line must reroll failed Panic Tests.


Units consisting entirely of Insignificant models do not cause Panic Tests on friendly units in which less than half the models are Insignificant. Units with Insignificant R&F models can only be joined by Insignificant Characters.

Light Troops

A unit composed entirely of models with Light Troops applies the following rules for Advance Moves and March Moves:

• The unit may perform any number of Reforms, at any time during the move, and in any order. This does not prevent models with Light Troops from shooting this Player Turn.

• The unit can move backwards and sideways as if moving forwards (i.e. up to its Advance/March Rate, and a unit can combine backwards, sideways, and forwards movement), but cannot leave the board with any part of its Unit Boundary.

• The unit cannot perform any Wheels.

In addition:

Units composed entirely of models with Light Troops gain March and Shoot.

Units with more than half of their models with Light Troops always count as having 0 Full Ranks.

Infantry Characters gain Light Troops while joined to Infantry units of the same Height with Light Troops, and lose this instance of Light Troops when leaving that unit.

Magic Resistance

Learned Spells and Bound Spells targeting at least one enemy unit, including a model or model part inside a unit, with one or more models with Magic Resistance suffer a -X modifier to their casting roll (where X is given in brackets). If there are different X values that could be used, use the highest value.

Massive Bulk

If the model is mounted by a Character, ignore the rider's Armour Equipment (including Armour Enchantments) and Personal Protections, unless specifically stated otherwise (such as Armour Enchantments that affect the bearer's model).


The model's dice rolls stated in brackets are subject to Maximised Roll.


The model's dice rolls stated in brackets are subject to Minimised Roll.

Not a Leader

The model cannot be the General.

Protean Magic

The Wizard does not choose an available Path of Magic to select spells from. Instead, during Spell Selection, the Wizard must select its spells from the Learned Spell 1 of each Path it has access to, as well as the Hereditary Spell of its army. This rule overrides the Spell Selection rules for Wizard Apprentices, Adepts, and Masters.

Rally Around the Flag

All models in units, including Fleeing units, within 12" of a friendly non-Fleeing model with Rally Around the Flag may reroll failed Discipline Tests.

Random Movement

At the end of step 2 of the Movement Phase Sequence (after Rallying Fleeing Units), a non-Fleeing unit with Random Movement must perform a Pursuit Move, with the following exceptions that only apply in the Movement Phase, unless specifically stated otherwise:

• It always moves the distance stated in brackets (X), which is also used for Flee Distance and Pursuit Distance (including Overruns).

• It must choose which direction it will move in before Pivoting and rolling the Pursuit Distance.

• It cannot move off the Board Edge using the rules for Pursuing off the Board (it can still overlap the Board Edge with parts of its Unit Boundary other than its Front Facing).

• It does not take Dangerous Terrain Tests unless Charging.

There are several restrictions connected with Random Movement:

• The unit cannot move normally in the Movement Phase (Advance, March, Reform) and cannot declare Charges in the Charge Phase. Whenever it requires a March Rate (e.g. when Post-Combat Reforming), use the potential maximum value of X as its March Rate.

• The unit cannot perform Magical Moves.

• The unit cannot use Swiftstride (but X can be affected by Maximised/Minimised Roll from other sources).

Characters with Random Movement cannot join units, and units with Random Movement cannot be joined by Characters. Note that Characters that are part of a Combined Unit when the unit gains Random Movement will gain Random Movement too as they are already part of that unit.

• If the unit has several instances of Random Movement, use the one with the lowest average (the owner chooses in case of a tie).


Units with at least one model with Scoring are considered to be Scoring Units, which are used for winning Secondary Objectives (see ). Every army needs Scoring Units to be able to complete Secondary Objectives, which is why units with Scoring are marked in the Army Books with a special pennant icon:


Scoring can be lost during the game:

• A unit that is Fleeing loses Scoring for as long as it is Fleeing.

• An Ambushing unit that enters the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses Scoring for the rest of the game.

• A unit that has performed a Post-Combat Reform loses Scoring until the start of the following Player Turn.

• A Vanguarding model loses Scoring until the end of Game Turn 1.


Units with Scout may be deployed using Special Deployment rules. All units that will be deployed using the Scout rule must be declared at step 8 of the Pre-Game Sequence (after Spell Selection), starting with the player who chose their Deployment Zone. Scout deployment is conducted on Step 5 of the Deployment Phase (Deploy Scouting Units). If both players have Scouting units, alternate unit placement (one unit at a time), starting with the player who first completed their normal deployment. Scouting units have three deployment options:

• Fully inside your Deployment Zone, using the normal deployment rules

• Anywhere on the Battlefield at least 18" away from enemy units

• Anywhere on the Battlefield fully inside a Field, Forest, Ruins, or Water Terrain Feature and at least 12" away from enemy units

Scouting units that aren't placed fully inside their Deployment Zone may not declare Charges in the first Player Turn of the first Game Turn (there are no Scout Charge restrictions after the first Player Turn).

Skirmish formation.
a) An example of a unit in skirmish formation with a joined Mismatching Character.
b) The same unit Engaged in Combat. Models with bold frame can attack a Character (either C_1 or C_2). Models with dashed frame cannot attack at all.


The model can always use Shooting Attacks from any rank (models with Skirmisher are not limited to shooting from first and second rank).

Units with at least one R&F model with Skirmisher are formed into a skirmish formation. They are not placed in base contact with each other. Instead, models are placed with a 12.5mm distance (roughly half an inch) between them. This gap is considered part of the unit for Cover purposes, and will have the same Height as the models in the unit. Other than this gap between models, units with Skirmisher follow the normal rules for forming units and therefore have a Front, two Flank, and a Rear Facing, can perform Supporting Attacks, and so on. Units in skirmish formation never block Line of Sight (remember that this also affects Cover as they can never contribute to Hard Cover).

Units in skirmish formation can only be joined by Characters that have both the same Type and the same Height as the unit. Unless a Character has the exact same base size as all R&F models in the unit, it is considered Mismatched for the purpose of placement within the unit. The unit ceases to be in skirmish formation when all R&F models with Skirmisher are removed as casualties: immediately contract their skirmish formation into a normal formation, without moving the centre of the first rank. Nudge any unit as normal to maintain base contact if possible.

See figure figure/skirmisher for an illustration of this rule.

Special Ambush

The model follows the rules for Ambush with the following exception: when its unit enters the Battlefield, apply the following rules instead of placing it using the normal Ambush rules:

• Choose a point on the Battlefield that meets the conditions specified in brackets (X) and place the unit in contact with and fully within 6" of the chosen point. The unit can be placed in any formation but must follow the Unit Spacing rule.

• If there is no point available that enables the unit to be placed according to these rules, the unit cannot enter the Battlefield during this Player Turn. Roll again in the next friendly Player Turn.

• If deployed in the Movement Phase, the unit is Shaken until the end of the phase .

• For the purpose of shooting, the unit counts as having performed a March Move in this Player Turn.

Stand Behind

The model can be placed anywhere inside its unit (its Front Facing doesn't have to be placed as far forwards as possible and it can be placed farther backwards than that of models without Front Rank, even if the model has Front Rank). Its Front Facing cannot be placed farther forwards inside a unit than that of any model with Front Rank but without Stand Behind. Ignore Stand Behind for models with Mismatching Bases.


The model automatically passes Dangerous Terrain Tests caused by Terrain. If more than half of a unit's models have Strider, the unit never loses Steadfast due to Terrain. Sometimes Strider is linked to a specific type of Terrain, stated in brackets. In this case, Strider only applies when interacting with this type of Terrain.


A unit with at least one model with Stubborn ignores Discipline modifiers from the Combat Score difference when taking Break Tests or Combat Reform Discipline Tests.


All attacks made by the model become Magical Attacks, including Special Attacks and Crush Attacks. In addition, the model gains Unstable, with the following exception: when a unit consisting entirely of models with Supernal loses a combat, it must take a Break Test (Stubborn or Steadfast units ignore Discipline modifiers from the Combat Score difference as normal):

• If the Break Test is passed, ignore all Health Points that would be lost due to Unstable.

• If the Break Test is failed, follow the rules for Unstable as normal.

Swift Reform

During the Movement Phase, a unit containing one or more models with Swift Reform may execute a Swift Reform instead of a Reform. The unit makes a Reform with the following exceptions:

• The unit is not prohibited from shooting in the next Shooting Phase (but will still suffer the to-hit modifier for Moving and Shooting).

• The unit can perform an Advance Move after the Reform. For the purpose of no model being able to end its movement with its centre farther away than its Advance Rate from its starting position, measure this distance after the Reform.

• No model can end its movement (after an Advance Move) with its centre farther away than its March Rate from its starting position before the Reform.


If a unit is composed entirely of models with Swiftstride, it gains Maximised (Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance, Overrun Distance).


Line of Sight drawn to or from a model or Unit Boundary with Tall is not blocked by models of the same Height (as the model or Unit Boundary with Tall), unless the intervening model also has Tall. Remember that this also affects Cover (if a model blocks Line of Sight, it contributes to Hard Cover, otherwise only to Soft Cover). The Unit Boundary of units with half their models or more with Tall is considered to be Tall for the purpose of drawing Line of Sight to the Unit Boundary and determining if its unit benefits from Cover.


Units with more than half of their models with Terror are immune to the effects of Terror. When a unit with one or more models with Terror declares a Charge, its target must immediately take a Panic Test before declaring its Charge Reaction. If the test is failed, the target of the Charge must declare a Flee Charge Reaction if able to do so.

Towering Presence

The model gains Tall, Commanding Presence (+6"), Rally Around the Flag (+6") and, unless it is a War Platform, Exclusive. The Unit Boundary of units with half their models or more with Towering Presence is considered to have Towering Presence for the purpose of drawing Line of Sight to the Unit Boundary and determining if its unit benefits from Cover.


The model gains Exclusive (Unbreakable), and the model’s unit automatically passes all Break Tests.


The model gains Unstable. Models with Undead cannot perform March Moves, unless their unit starts the March Move within the range of a friendly model's Commanding Presence. The only Charge Reaction a unit with one or more models with Undead can perform is Hold.

When units consisting entirely of models with Undead lose Health Points due to Unstable, the number of lost Health Points can be reduced in certain situations. Apply the modifiers in the following order:

• If the unit contains at least one model with Stubborn, halve the number of lost Health Points, rounding fractions up.

• If the unit is Steadfast, ignore any excess Health Point losses above 12.

• If the unit receives Rally Around the Flag, reduce the number of lost Health Points by the unit's current Rank Bonus. Units without any Rank Bonus reduce the number of lost Health Points by 1 instead.

• Apply all other modifiers (from Special Items, Model Rules, spells, etc.) afterwards.


The model gains Exclusive (Unstable). A unit with one or more models with Unstable does not take a Break Test when losing a Round of Combat, but instead it loses one Health Point for each point of Combat Score difference by which it lost the Round of Combat (with no saves of any kind allowed).

The Health Point losses are allotted in the following order:

• R&F models, excluding Champions


Characters, allotted by the owner of the unit as evenly as possible


After Deployment (including Scouting units), models with Vanguard may perform a 12" move. This move is performed as a combination of Advance Move and/or Reforms, as in the Movement Phase, including any actions and restrictions that normally apply to the unit (e.g. Wheeling, joining units, leaving units, and so on). The 12" distance is used instead of the unit's Advance Rate and March Rate. In case a figure is stated in brackets, this distance is X" instead.

This move cannot be used to move within 12" of enemy units. This is decreased to 6" for enemy units that have either Scouted or Vanguarded.

If both players have units with Vanguard, alternate moving units one at a time, starting with the player who completed their normal deployment last (note that this is an exception to the rules for Simultaneous Effects). A Combined Unit counts as a single unit for this purpose, even if parts of the unit perform separate Vanguard moves (like two Characters Vanguarding out of a Combined Unit). Any game effects that would affect the Combined Unit (such as Banner Enchantments) remain in effect for all parts of the Combined Unit until all parts of the Combined Unit have finished their Vanguard move (even if a Character leaves the unit). Instead of moving a unit, a player may declare to not move any more Vanguarding units.

Units that have moved this way lose Scoring until the end of Game Turn 1 and may not declare Charges in the first Player Turn (if their side has the first turn).

War Machine

The model gains Exclusive and cannot Pursue (which does not prevent it from being affected by Random Movement), declare Charges, or declare Flee Charge Reactions.

When a War Machine fails a Panic Test, instead of Fleeing, it is Shaken until the end of the next Player Turn. War Machines that fail a Break Test are automatically destroyed and removed as casualties. War Machines on round bases and units Engaged in Combat with them cannot make Combat Reforms.

When a unit Charges a War Machine on a round base, it can move into base contact by having its Front Facing contact any point of the War Machine's base (it must still maximise the number of models in base contact, see and figure figure/empty_gaps, page figure/empty_gaps). No align move is allowed.

When a unit Breaks from Combat and Flees away from a War Machine on a round base, always Pivot the Fleeing unit 180, so that it's Rear Facing is in contact with the War Machine's base. Otherwise follow the normal rules for units Breaking from Combat and Fleeing.

War Platform

Unless selected as a mount for a Character, a model with War Platform gains Character with the following exceptions:

• It does not count towards the Characters Army Category (for Army List creation).

• It does not count as Character when Deploying Units (it may still be deployed inside units).

• It cannot issue Duels, accept Duels, or Make Way.

• It can perform Swirling Melee.

• It does not count as Character regarding Bodyguard and Multiple Wounds, unless the War Platform is specifically mentioned in the Bodyguard rule.

The model can join units , and having Exclusive (Chariot) does not prevent it from joining units without Chariot. Additionally, it does not prevent Characters without Exclusive (Chariot) from joining a unit containing a model with War Platform and Chariot. When joined to a unit, it must always be placed in the centre of the first rank, possibly pushing back other models with Front Rank, and must keep its position in the centre of the first rank at all times, including during casualty removal (as long as it is joined to the unit). Should the model ever be forced to leave its position in the centre of the first rank, immediately redistribute models in the unit until the model is back in the centre of the first rank, following the priority order in 16.B.e Illegal Formation after Removing Models. If two positions are equally central (e.g. in a unit with an even number of models in the first rank and a War Platform replacing an uneven number of models per rank), the War Platform can be placed in either of these positions. If the War Platform cannot be placed in the centre of the the first rank, the model cannot join the unit. A War Platform with Mismatching Base can never join a unit, and only a single War Platform can be in the same unit unless specifically stated otherwise.

Wizard Apprentice

The Wizard selects its spells as described in Spell Selection.

• Knows 1 spell

• Can select between the Learned Spell 1 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army

Wizard Adept

The Wizard gains Channel (1) and selects its spells as described in Spell Selection.

• Knows 2 different spells

• Can select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, and 4 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army

Wizard Master

The Wizard gains Channel (1) and a +1 modifier to its casting rolls, and selects its spells as described in Spell Selection.

• Knows 4 different spells

• Can select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of its chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell of its army

Wizard Conclave

The Champion of a unit with Wizard Conclave is a Wizard Adept and gains +1 Health Point in addition to the normal Attack Value increase associated with being a Champion. This Champion may select up to two spells from predetermined spells given in the unit entry. This overrides the Spell Selection rules for Wizard Adepts.