Interactions between Objects

Description: There are many ways models, units, and other objects in the game interact with one another (see figure figure/contact).

Base Contact between Units and Models

Two or more units are in base contact with each other if their Unit Boundaries are touching one another (including corner to corner contact).

Two or more models on rectangular bases are in base contact with each other if their bases are touching one another (including corner to corner contact).

A model is in base contact with a unit if it is in base contact with at least one model of that unit.

Base Contact between Models across\ Gaps

Incomplete ranks or Characters with Mismatching Base may cause gaps between opposing models whose units are in base contact. Two opposing models are considered to be in base contact with each other across such gaps if you can draw a straight line:

• from one model to the other, including corner to corner

• that is perpendicular to both units' Engaged Facings

A model is considered to not be in base contact across a gap if its entire Facing that is opposite the enemy model is in contact with a friendly model.

See figure figure/contact_across_gaps for an example of how to determine if opposing models are considered to be in base contact across gaps.

Base contact between models across gaps.The unit at the bottom has Charged the unit on top in the Rear Facing. Due to the Charged unit's incomplete rear rank, some models are in base contact across gaps.
a) This line connects 1 with A and B. B's entire Rear Facing is however in contact with F, so 1 is in base contact across a gap only with A (it still is in normal base contact with F).
b) This line connects C with 2 and 3. C is in base contact with both 2 and 3.
c) This line connects E with 5 and 6. E is in base contact with both 5 and 6.

Contact between Objects

Two objects, like bases, Unit Boundaries, Terrain Features, and so on, are considered to be in contact (see figure figure/contact):

• If they touch one another:

• Along a line (e.g. two rectangular bases contacting each other along their front)

• At a single point (e.g. corner to corner contact between units)

• If one object is inside another. An object is considered to be inside another if it is:

• Partially inside the other object

• Fully inside the other object

Overlapping Objects

Two objects are considered to be overlapping if they or their Unit Boundaries are at least partially on top of one another, without the two objects being in contact (e.g. a unit with Flying Movement and a Terrain Feature). This includes the edges of both objects.

Interactions with Round Bases

Units are considered in base contact with a model on a round base if their Unit Boundaries are in contact.

Models are considered to be in base contact with a model on a round base if all of the following conditions are met:

• Their units are in base contact.

• The Unit Boundary of the model on a round base is directly in front of them.

• There aren't any models in between them.

See figure figure/round_base for an example.

Base contact between models and a model on round base.The models with a bold frame in unit B are considered to be in base contact with the model A on the round base, since this round base is directly in front of them.