Flee Moves

Description: A Flee Move is performed as follows:

1 - Roll the Flee Distance, which is normally 2D6".

2 - Move the Fleeing unit this distance straight forward.

• If the Flee Move takes the Fleeing unit into contact with the Board Edge, remove the unit as a casualty as soon as it touches the Board Edge (possibly causing Panic Tests to nearby units).

• If this move would make the Fleeing unit end its move within 1" of another unit's Unit Boundary or Impassable Terrain, extend the Flee Distance by the minimum distance required for the unit to get clear of all such obstructions.

• If this move would make the Fleeing unit end its move inside another unit's Unit Boundary or inside Impassable Terrain, extend the Flee Distance by the minimum distance required for the unit to get clear of all such obstructions.

• If Fleeing models move through the Unit Boundary of an enemy unit or Impassable Terrain, they must take a Dangerous Terrain (3) Test (see ).

• If Fleeing models move through a friendly unit's Unit Boundary, that unit must take a Panic Test after the Fleeing unit has completed its Flee Move.

Note that Flee Moves are often preceded by a Pivot. This Pivot follows the same rules as the Flee Move.