Combat Reforms

Description: After all Fleeing and Pursuing units have been moved, units still remaining Engaged in the Combat may attempt to perform a Combat Reform.

  • Units Engaged in more than one of its Facings can never Combat Reform.

  • Units on the losing side of the combat, and units engaged in their Flank or Rear Facing, must pass a Command Test to be able to Combat Reform. If failed, the unit cannot Combat Reform.

First, the Active player declares which of their units will attempt to make a Combat Reform, taking Command Test where needed. After this, Reactive Player declares which of their units will attempt to make a Combat Reform, taking Command Test where needed. Any units that are not perfectly aligned with the target facing of an enemy they are engaged with, at the time of declaring which units that will attempt a combat reform, must attempt to do so, following the usual rules for combat reforms.

Once it has been established which units will perform a Combat Reforms, Active Player chooses which player performs all of their Combat Reforms first, and each player chooses the order of their own units' Combat Reforms.

When performing a Combat Reform, remove the unit from the battlefield and place it back into contact with the enemy, following the rules below:

  • In any viable formation as long as the number of Files has not changed by more than 3.
  • At least as many models, from both the reforming unit, and all units it was in contact with before the reform, must still be in contact with enemy models, but they don’t have to be the same models.
  • Any Attachable Models (from either side) that were in contact with an enemy before the Combat Reform, must Remain in contact after the reform.


  • The unit can ignore the Unit Spacing rule, but it can not move into base contact with enemy units it was not in contact with before the reform, nor can it overlap with other units.
  • The unit must maintain contact with the same enemy units as before the reform, and with the same Facings of the enemy units.
  • A Combat Reform must end with the Combat Reforming unit perfectly aligned against the enemy facing it is engaged with.

If multiple units are performing Combat Reforms, check that the requirements above are fulfilled at the end of all Combat Reforms from each side, not after each unit has reformed.

Combat Reforms.a) At the end of a Round of Combat, unit A is Engaged with unit B and Unit C. Unit A performs a Combat Reform.

b) After unit A has made its Combat Reform: the unit has added a file on its right flank, and the Character joined to the unit has changed position so as to be located on its front-right corner.