Characteristic Profiles

Description: Each unit entry contains three Characteristic Profiles: Global, Defensive, and Offensive. A higher value of a given Characteristic indicates that a model is more accomplished in that Characteristic. These values are used for various game mechanics like moving units and attacking with models.
Some model parts may not have specific values for certain characteristics, such as the chassis of a chariot without Offensive Skill. These characteristics are considered to be 0, and cannot be modified in any way.

Global Characteristics

Each model has three Global Characteristics. These characteristics are common for all model parts on the same base (i.e. the whole model), and in most situations also shared for combined units.

ChaCharge SpeedThe higher the Charge Speed, the further the model can charge.
MobMobilityDetermines the distance that the model can move when doing a Move Maneuvre.
CouCourageThe model's ability to stand and fight.



Defensive Characteristics

Each model has four Defensive Characteristics. These characteristics are common for all model parts on the same model.

HPHealth PointsA model is removed as a casualty when it loses this many Health Points.
DefDefensive SkillHow well the model avoids being hit in melee.
ResResilienceHow easily the model withstands blows.
ArmArmourA high Armour value means the model is able to deflect wounds that should have put it out of Combat.
Offensive Characteristics

If a model has more than one model part, each model part has its own set of Offensive Characteristics. Each model part has five Offensive Characteristics:

AgiAgilityModel parts with a higher Agility strike first in melee.
AttAttack ValueThe number of times the model part can strike in a Round of Combat.
OffOffensive SkillHow good the model part is at scoring hits in melee.
StrStrengthHow easily the model part can wound enemy models.
APArmour PenetrationHow well the model part can penetrate the Armour of enemy models.

Random Characteristics
Some model parts have random values for one or more Characteristics, such as Attack Value D6+1. Roll for the value each time immediately before it is used. In the case of Defensive and Offensive Characteristics, the rolled value is used for all simultaneous attacks from that model part. When several model parts in the same unit have a random value for a Characteristic, roll separately for each model part.