
Description: This Army Category has a maximum amount of points that can be spent on it; the limit is defined within individual Army Books.

All armies have one or more Army-Specific Categories.

The Army-Specific Categories are introduced to provide additional limitations in the process of army building. These limitations are designed to be reflective of the nature of the faction in question, and with the goal of ensuring greater balance of the game. There are three types of Army-Specific Categories: one type is simply an additional grouping of units connected with a certain theme. These are given a thematic name reflective of the army they are part of or the function they perform (e.g. Orcs and Goblins -- Death from Above). The second type of Army-Specific Categories provides limitations linked with a certain function a unit from another Army Category performs within the army (e.g. Beast Herds -- Ambush Predators). And the third type of Army-Specific Categories is a mix of the above.