Allocating Attacks

Description: At each Initiative Step, before any attacks are rolled, Close Combat Attacks must first be allocated towards enemy models. If a model is in base contact with more than one enemy model, it can choose which model to attack. Attacks can be allocated towards models with different Health Pools, i.e. R&F models, Champions, and Characters (see ). The number of Close Combat Attacks a model can make is equal to its Attack Value, which can be modified by equipment, Attack Attributes, spells, etc. If a model has an Attack Value above 1, it can allocate its Close Combat Attacks towards different enemy models in base contact. If a model is making Supporting Attacks, it can allocate its attacks as if it was in the first rank of the unit (in the same file). Allocate all attacks at each Initiative Step before making any to-hit rolls.

Swirling Melee

R&F models Engaged in Combat may be in positions in the unit where, based on the general rules for allocating attacks, they can either:

• Allocate attacks (including Supporting Attacks) only towards enemy Characters or Champions

• Not allocate any attacks at all due to enemy models fighting a Duel

Such models may elect to allocate their Close Combat Attacks towards non-Champion R&F models of the same unit instead, exactly as if these R&F models were in the position of the enemy Character or Champion. Note that Swirling Melee cannot be used by Characters.

Figure figure/allocate_attacks illustrates how attacks can be allocated in a complex case.

Example for allocating attacks.The Champion of unit B (Ch) and Character C_2 are locked in a Duel (indicated by the chess pattern). This means that they can only allocate attacks towards each other. The magenta and green models can allocate attacks towards the R&F models of the other unit. The models with a bold frame can allocate attacks towards Characters/Champions. The models in fainter colours with dashed frames cannot attack at all. Character C_1 cannot attack because the only model it is in base contact with is a Champion that is locked in a Duel. If C_1 was a R&F model, it could allocate attacks towards the magenta R&F models.