"Nightshade" Chem-thrower

Type: upgrade
EntryId: 6185-0e91-44fe-11f0
Hidden: false
Costs: 2 Weapon slot135 Credits
Options (1)
Rules (2)
When a fighter is hit by an attack made by a Gas weapon, they are not Pinned and a wound roll is not made. Instead roll a D6. If the result is equal to or higher than the target’s Toughness, or is a natural 6, make an Injury roll for them (regardless of their Wounds characteristic) – no save roll can be made. 
Template weapons use the Flame template to determine how many targets they hit.


Weapon Rng SRng LAcc SAcc LStrAPDAmmoTraits
"Nightshade" Chem-thrower









Gas, Template

Used By (1)