Bomb Delivery Rats

Type: upgrade
EntryId: d3bf-72b0-39c3-45e5
Hidden: false
Costs: 30 Credits


Bomb Delivery Rats

A Cawdor fighter equipped with bomb delivery rats may deploy one per turn to carry a single grenade of a type that fighter is equipped with by performing a Prime Bomb Rat (Basic) action. When a bomb delivery rat is deployed, make an Ammo roll for the grenade used as if it had been used normally. The fighter may run out of grenades before they run out of rats ! When the bomb delivery rat is deployed, place it so that the edge of its base is touching that of the fighter and make an Intelligence check for the fighter. If the check is passed, the fighter may choose which direction the rat moves in. If the check is failed, the rat will move in a direction determined by rolling a Scatter dice. In either case, the rat may move up to 6’’. Bomb delivery rats ignore all terrain when moving except any that would normally be impassable, such as walls and structures. They suffer no penalties for climbing, they will never fall, and they may freely leap any gap of 2’’ or less. Wider gaps are considered impassable. Should the rat end its movement within 1’’ of a fighter, friend or enemy, or another bomb delivery rat, roll a D6. On a 2+, the grenade will go off. On a 1, the grenade proves to be a dud and the rat vanishes into the darkness to dwell upon its good fortune. In a either case, the rat is removed from play. At the start of every subsequent round, after rolling for Priority but before activating any fighters, if the bomb delivery rat has not exploded then it will activate again. Check to see if it is within 9’’ of the fighter that deployed it. If it is and if that fighter is Active or Pinned, make an Intelligence check for the fighter. If this is passed, the rat will immediately move up to 6’’ in a direction of your choosing. If it is beyond 9’’, the Intelligence check is failed, the fighter is Engaged or Seriously Injured (Secondary Statuses have no effect), or if the fighter has been taken Out of Action, then the rat will move 6’’ in a direction determined by rolling a Scatter dice. Should the rat end its movement within 1’’ of a fighter, friend or enemy, or another bomb delivery rat, roll a D6. On a 2+, the grenade will go off. On a 1, the grenade proves to be a dud. In either case, the rat is removed from play.

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