Tree Herder

Type: unit
Category: HERO: You MUST Manually Validate Unlocks
Categories: HERO: You MUST Manually Validate Unlocks, @Hero, @Hero/Mon/Ttn/War Eng, %[H] Artefacts
EntryId: eb0e-7caa-1070-60f1
Hidden: false
Costs: 1 US260 pts
Options (1)
Rules (7)
Crushing Strength
All Melee hits landed by this unit have a +(n) modifier when rolling to damage.
If this unit, or any Friendly Core unit within 6" is Routed, the opponent must re-roll that Nerve test, according to name or keyword qualifiers. The second result stands.
This unit suffers no movement penalties for Difficult Terrain, treating it as Open Terrain in the Movement Phase. It is not Hindered for Charging through, or ending its Charge on, Difficult Terrain. Obstacles still Hinder.
Radiance of Life
In the Movement Phase, after it has completed its order, this unit and all Friendly Core units within 6" of it immediately remove 1 damage previously suffered. Units can only be affected by 1 source of Radiance of Life per Turn.
This unit can make a single At the Double or Advance order after Set-Up is finished but before the first Turn of the first Round begins. If moving At the Double from this, it treats Obstacles and Difficult Terrain as Open Terrain. If both armies have Scout units, each player rolls a D6. Higher scorer decides who moves their first Scout, and then players alternate.
This unit's Charge is not Hindered when charging through, or ending its Charge on, Difficult Terrain or Obstacles.
RANGE: 12" || TARGETS: Friendly (Shambling) || MODIFIERS: - || EFFECT: For each hit landed, the target must move directly forward 1" (stopping just out of contact with Friendly units and Blocking Terrain). Fly is not in effect for this. Contacting Enemies results in a Charge (so align & shuffle), but those units will now skip this Ranged Phase's Nerve tests, if any. Align to facing contacted, or IF you'll Charge a corner, note the leader point BEFORE Surging forward, and align to the arc's facing that the target Friendly unit's leader point started in! If contacting 2+ Enemies simultaneously, the casting player chooses which to Charge. Surging over an Obstacle or Difficult Terrain is a Hindered Charge as normal. No effect on units with Speed 0.


Profile TypeKeySpMeRaDeAttNeUSHt
U: Tree Herder

Hero (Mon)

~Spellcaster: 0, Verdant









Crushing Strength (3), Inspiring, Pathfinder, Radiance of Life, Scout, Strider
~Surge (8)


repeat for every 1000 pts of any in roster