Telemon Heavy Dreadnought

Type: unit
EntryId: 4be9-470a-201e-c72a
Hidden: false
Costs: 365 Pts
Options (5)
Rules (4)
Legio Custodes
Models with this special rule gain the following benefits in various situations that involve ‘Nemesis’ units (see the Nemesis unit entry below):
• All models with this special rule gain +1 Attacks when locked in combat with a Nemesis Unit.
• A unit composed entirely of models with this special rule gains an additional bonus of +1 to all Charge rolls made when all targets of the Charge are Nemesis Units.
• When rolling to Hit while Engaged with a Nemesis unit, a model with this special rule will never need to roll better than 4+ to score a Hit – unless the Nemesis unit is composed entirely of models with the Primarch Unit Type, or the attacking model is in a Challenge with a model that has the Primarch Unit Type.

Nemesis Units
A ‘Nemesis’ unit is defined as any enemy unit that fulfils at least one of the following conditions:
• The unit includes one or more models with at least one of the following Unit Types or Unit Sub-types:
- Primarch, Dreadnought, Monstrous, Reinforced, Bombard, Daemon, Corrupted, Super-heavy, Unique or Knight.
• The majority of models in the unit have a value of 5 or more in any one of the following Characteristics:
- Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Wounds or Initiative. 
• The unit includes an enemy Warlord.
Move Through Cover
A unit that contains only models with this special rule suffers no penalty for moving or charging through Difficult Terrain.
Hammer of Wrath (X)
If a model with this special rule ends its Charge Move in base or hull contact with an enemy model, it makes a number of additional attacks equal to the value in brackets listed as part of this special rule.These attacks hit automatically and are resolved at the models unmodified Strength with AP-. These attacks do not benefit from any of the model's special rules (such as Furious Charge, Rending, etc.).These attacks are resolved during the Fight sub-phase at Initiative step 10 but do not grant the model an additional Pile-in Move.

If a model with this special rule Charges a Vehicle of any kind or a Building, the hits are resolved against the Armour Value of the Facing the charging model is touching. If the model is in contact with two or more Facings, the player controlling the target model chooses a Facing upon which the attacks are resolved. If a model with this special rule Charges a Building or Vehicle that is a Transport, the hits are resolved against the Building or Vehicle, not the unit Embarked within the Building or Vehicle.
A model with thisspecial rule may only be included in an army that has the Loyalist Allegiance.


Unit Unit TypeMoveWSBSSTWIALdSave
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought

Dreadnought (Heavy)











Used By (1)
LI - Custodes(Catalogue)