
Type: model
Category: Team Management
Categories: Team Management
LinkId: a576-f52c-ecf2-7356
Hidden: false
Costs: 50000 TV


max(roster): 1
Rules (2)
Once per game, a team with an apothecary may use them to ‘patch-up’ any permanently hired players belonging to it that have been removed from play after being Knocked-out or after having a Casualty roll made against them. An apothecary cannot be used to patch-up any Journeymen players or any Induced players, such as Mercenaries or Star Players. Journeymen are rarely considered worth the effort, whilst Mercenaries and Star Players travel with their own staff of healers and medics.

Once per game, an apothecary can be used immediately when a player becomes Knocked-out:
• If the player was on the pitch when they were Knocked out, they are not removed from play. Instead, they remain on the pitch and become Stunned.
• If the player was Knocked-out as a result of being pushed back into the crowd or landing in the crowd, place them directly into the Reserves box rather than the Knocked-out box.

Alternatively, once per game an apothecary can be used
when a Casualty roll is made against a player:
• Immediately after the Casualty roll is made against your player, you may declare the use of an apothecary.
• The coach of the opposing team rolls again on the Casualty table, giving two possible outcomes. You may choose which result is applied to your player.
• If a Badly Hurt result is applied, the apothecary has been able to patch the player up and pump them full of painkillers. The player is removed from the Casualty box and placed in the Reserves box. Note that the use of an apothecary comes before any other attempts to heal the player. This includes the use of any Skills or Traits, or any other in-game effect or special rule that may modify the Casualty roll or its effect.
During a Blood Bowl Sevens game, a team may use an apothecary to ‘patch-up’ any player (including Journeymen and Mercenaries) that has been removed from play after being Knocked Out or after suffering a Badly Hurt, Seriously Hurt or DEAD result on the Injury table.

An apothecary can be used immediately when a player becomes Knocked-out:
• If the player was on the pitch when they were Knockedout, they are not removed from play. Instead, they remain on the pitch and become Stunned.
• If the player was Knocked-out as a result of being pushed back into the crowd or landing in the crowd, place them directly into the Reserves box rather than the Knocked-out box.

An apothecary can be used when a player suffers a Badly Hurt, Seriously Hurt or DEAD result on the Injury table. Roll a D6:
• On a roll of 4+, the apothecary has been able to patch the player up and pump them full of painkillers. The player is removed from the Casualty box and placed in the Reserves box.
• On a roll of 1-3, the apothecary’s vigorous efforts prove largely futile. The apothecary is unable to patch the player up – the original Injury table result stands.


set TV 80000
force is Sevens
set hidden true
primary-catalogue is Nurgle Team
primary-catalogue is Tomb Kings Team
primary-catalogue is Necromantic Horror Team
primary-catalogue is Shambling Undead Team
Used By (25)
Amazon Team(Catalogue)
Black Orc Team(Catalogue)
Chaos Chosen Team(Catalogue)
Chaos Dwarf Team(Catalogue)
Chaos Renegades(Catalogue)
Dark Elves Team(Catalogue)
Dwarf Team(Catalogue)
Elven Union Team(Catalogue)
Goblin Team(Catalogue)
Halfling Team(Catalogue)
High Elves Team(Catalogue)
Human Team(Catalogue)
Khorne Team(Catalogue)
Lizardman Team(Catalogue)
Norse Team(Catalogue)
Ogre Team(Catalogue)
Old World Alliance(Catalogue)
Orc Team(Catalogue)
Skaven Team(Catalogue)
Slann (NAF)(Catalogue)
Snotling Team(Catalogue)
Vampire Team(Catalogue)
Wood Elves Team(Catalogue)