
Type: model
Categories: Ulfwerenar, Positionals
EntryId: 6c6f-0784-6b32-0b20
Hidden: false
Costs: 105000 TV
Options (3)
Rules (1)
Every time this player performs a Block action (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), they must follow-up if the target is pushed back and if they are able. If the target is still Standing after being pushed back, and if this player was able to follow-up, this player must then perform a second Block action against the same target, again following-up if the target is pushed back.

If this player is performing a Blitz action, performing a second Block action will also cost them one square of their Movement Allowance. If this player has no Movement Allowance left to perform a second Block action, they must Rush to do so. If they cannot Rush, they cannot perform a second Block action. 

Note that if an opposition player in possession of the ball is pushed back into your End Zone and is still Standing, a touchdown will be scored, ending the drive. In this case, the second Block action is not performed.

A player with this Skill cannot also have the Grab skill.


Player MASTAGPAAVSkills & TraitsPrimarySecondaryCost











add category Emerging Star (Lvl 3)
1+ 3rd Advancement in self
0 4th Advancement in self
add category Experienced (Lvl 1)
1+ 1st Advancement in self
0 2nd Advancement in self
add category Legend (Lvl 6)
1+ 6th Advancement in self
add category Star (Lvl 4)
0 5th Advancement in self
1+ 4th Advancement in self
add category Super Star (Lvl 5)
1+ 5th Advancement in self
0 6th Advancement in self
add category Veteran (Lvl 2)
1+ 2nd Advancement in self
0 3rd Advancement in self
append name - Emerging Star (Lvl 3)
1+ 3rd Advancement in self
0 4th Advancement in self
append name - Experienced (Lvl 1)
1+ 1st Advancement in self
0 2nd Advancement in self
append name - Legend (Lvl 6)
1+ 6th Advancement in self
append name - Star (Lvl 4)
0 5th Advancement in self
1+ 4th Advancement in self
append name - Superstar (Lvl 5)
1+ 5th Advancement in self
0 6th Advancement in self
append name - Veteran (Lvl 2)
1+ 2nd Advancement in self
0 3rd Advancement in self
remove category Players
1+ Drafted in self
remove category Players
1+ Miss Next Game in self
remove category Players
1+ Dead! in self
remove category Positionals
1+ Drafted in self
remove category Positionals
1+ Miss Next Game in self
remove category Positionals
1+ Dead! in self
remove category Ulfwerenar
1+ Drafted in self
remove category Ulfwerenar
1+ Miss Next Game in self
remove category Ulfwerenar
1+ Dead! in self
set TV 0
1+ Drafted in self
set TV 0
set TV 0
1+ Miss Next Game in self
set TV 0
1+ Dead! in self
set-primary category Dead Players
1+ Dead! in self
set-primary category Drafted Players
1+ Drafted in self
set-primary category Missing a Game
1+ Miss Next Game in self
set-primary category Temporarliy Retired Players
Used By (1)
Norse Team(Catalogue)