Black Orc

Type: model
Categories: Positionals, Blockers, Black Orc, Players
EntryId: aa89-ed6a-5acb-cf8a
Hidden: false
Costs: 90000 TV
Options (3)
Rules (2)
When this player performs a Block action on its own (but not as part of a Blitz action), this player may re-roll a single Both Down result.
When this player performs a Block action (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), using this Skill prevents the target of the Block action from using the Side Step skill.

Additionally, when this player performs a Block Action on its own (but not as part of a Blitz action), if the target is pushed back, this player may choose any unoccupied square adjacent to the target to push that player into. If there are no unoccupied squares, this Skill cannot be used.

A player with this Skill cannot also have the Frenzy skill.


Player MASTAGPAAVSkills & TraitsPrimarySecondaryCost
Black Orc






Brawler, Grab





add category Emerging Star (Lvl 3)
1+ 3rd Advancement in self
0 4th Advancement in self
add category Experienced (Lvl 1)
1+ 1st Advancement in self
0 2nd Advancement in self
add category Legend (Lvl 6)
1+ 6th Advancement in self
add category Star (Lvl 4)
0 5th Advancement in self
1+ 4th Advancement in self
add category Super Star (Lvl 5)
1+ 5th Advancement in self
0 6th Advancement in self
add category Veteran (Lvl 2)
1+ 2nd Advancement in self
0 3rd Advancement in self
append name - Emerging Star (Lvl 3)
1+ 3rd Advancement in self
0 4th Advancement in self
append name - Experienced (Lvl 1)
1+ 1st Advancement in self
0 2nd Advancement in self
append name - Legend (Lvl 6)
1+ 6th Advancement in self
append name - Star (Lvl 4)
0 5th Advancement in self
1+ 4th Advancement in self
append name - Superstar (Lvl 5)
1+ 5th Advancement in self
0 6th Advancement in self
append name - Veteran (Lvl 2)
1+ 2nd Advancement in self
0 3rd Advancement in self
remove category Blockers
1+ Drafted in self
remove category Blockers
1+ Miss Next Game in self
remove category Blockers
1+ Dead! in self
remove category Players
1+ Drafted in self
remove category Players
1+ Miss Next Game in self
remove category Players
1+ Dead! in self
remove category Positionals
1+ Drafted in self
remove category Positionals
1+ Miss Next Game in self
remove category Positionals
1+ Dead! in self
set TV 0
1+ Drafted in self
set TV 0
set TV 0
1+ Miss Next Game in self
set TV 0
1+ Dead! in self
set-primary category Dead Players
1+ Dead! in self
set-primary category Drafted Players
1+ Drafted in self
set-primary category Missing a Game
1+ Miss Next Game in self
set-primary category Temporarliy Retired Players
Used By (1)
College of Metal(Catalogue)