Journeyman [Rotter Lineman]

Type: model
Categories: Journeymen, Players, Linemen, Rotter Lineman
EntryId: 24c2-fe8a-bb87-11e1
Hidden: false
Costs: 35000 TV
Options (2)
Rules (3)
If this player suffers a Casualty result on the Injury table, there is a +1 modifier applied to all rolls made against this player on the Casualty table.
Loner (4+)
If this player wishes to use a team re-roll, roll a D6. If you roll equal to or higher than the target number shown in brackets, this player may use the team re-roll as normal. Otherwise, the original result stands without being re-rolled but the team re-roll is lost just as if it had been used. This Trait must still be used if the player is Prone or has lost their Tackle Zone.
Plague Ridden
Once per game, if an opposition player with a Strength characteristic of 4 or less that does not have the Decay, Regeneration or Stunty traits suffers a Casualty result of 15-16, DEAD as the result of a Block action performed or a Foul action committed by a player with this Trait that belongs to your team, and if that player cannot be saved by an apothecary, you may choose to use this Trait. If you do, that player does not die; they have instead been infected with a virulent plague!

If your team has the ‘Favoured of Nurgle’ special rule, a new ‘Rotter Lineman’ player, drawn from the Nurgle roster, can be placed immediately in the Reserves box of your team’s dugout (this may cause a team to have more than 16 players for the remainder of this game). During step 4 of the post-game sequence, this player may be permanently hired, exactly as you would a Journeyman player that had played for your team (see page 72).


Player MASTAGPAAVSkills & TraitsPrimarySecondaryCost
Rotter Lineman






Decay, Plague Ridden




Used By (1)
College of Life(Catalogue)