
Type: model
Categories: Positionals, Mummy, Big Guys, Players
EntryId: 4f1d-2b04-62ce-f1ba
Hidden: false
Costs: 125000 TV
Options (3)
Rules (2)
After a Casualty roll has been made against this player, roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, the Casualty roll is discarded without effect and the player is placed in the Reserves box rather than the Casualty box of their team dugout. On a roll of 1-3, however, the result of the Casualty roll is applied as normal. This Trait may still be used if the player is Prone, Stunned, or has lost their Tackle Zone.
Mighty Blow (+1)
When an opposition player is Knocked Down as the result of a Block action performed by this player (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), you may modify either the Armour roll or Injury roll by the amount shown in brackets. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made. This Skill cannot be used with the Stab or Chainsaw traits.


Player MASTAGPAAVSkills & TraitsPrimarySecondaryCost






Mighty Blow (+1), Regeneration





add category Emerging Star (Lvl 3)
1+ 3rd Advancement in self
0 4th Advancement in self
add category Experienced (Lvl 1)
1+ 1st Advancement in self
0 2nd Advancement in self
add category Legend (Lvl 6)
1+ 6th Advancement in self
add category Star (Lvl 4)
0 5th Advancement in self
1+ 4th Advancement in self
add category Super Star (Lvl 5)
1+ 5th Advancement in self
0 6th Advancement in self
add category Veteran (Lvl 2)
1+ 2nd Advancement in self
0 3rd Advancement in self
append name - Emerging Star (Lvl 3)
1+ 3rd Advancement in self
0 4th Advancement in self
append name - Experienced (Lvl 1)
1+ 1st Advancement in self
0 2nd Advancement in self
append name - Legend (Lvl 6)
1+ 6th Advancement in self
append name - Star (Lvl 4)
0 5th Advancement in self
1+ 4th Advancement in self
append name - Superstar (Lvl 5)
1+ 5th Advancement in self
0 6th Advancement in self
append name - Veteran (Lvl 2)
1+ 2nd Advancement in self
0 3rd Advancement in self
remove category Big Guys
1+ Drafted in self
remove category Big Guys
1+ Miss Next Game in self
remove category Big Guys
1+ Dead! in self
remove category Players
1+ Drafted in self
remove category Players
1+ Miss Next Game in self
remove category Players
1+ Dead! in self
remove category Positionals
1+ Drafted in self
remove category Positionals
1+ Miss Next Game in self
remove category Positionals
1+ Dead! in self
set TV 0
1+ Drafted in self
set TV 0
set TV 0
1+ Miss Next Game in self
set TV 0
1+ Dead! in self
set-primary category Dead Players
1+ Dead! in self
set-primary category Drafted Players
1+ Drafted in self
set-primary category Missing a Game
1+ Miss Next Game in self
set-primary category Temporarliy Retired Players
Used By (1)
College of Death(Catalogue)