Lucien Swift

Type: upgrade
Categories: Players
EntryId: 9e86-d814-823f-a270
Hidden: false


min: 1
max: 1
Rules (4)
When a Both Down result is applied during a Block action, this player may choose to ignore it and not be Knocked Down, as described on page 57.
Mighty Blow (+1)
When an opposition player is Knocked Down as the result of a Block action performed by this player (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), you may modify either the Armour roll or Injury roll by the amount shown in brackets. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made. This Skill cannot be used with the Stab or Chainsaw traits.
When an active opposition player attempts to Dodge from a square in which they were being Marked by one or more players on your team with this Skill, that player cannot use the Dodge skill.

Additionally, when an opposition player is targeted by a Block action performed by a player with this Skill, that player cannot use the Dodge skill if a Stumble result is applied against them.
Loner (4+)
If this player wishes to use a team re-roll, roll a D6. If you roll equal to or higher than the target number shown in brackets, this player may use the team re-roll as normal. Otherwise, the original result stands without being re-rolled but the team re-roll is lost just as if it had been used. This Trait must still be used if the player is Prone or has lost their Tackle Zone.


Star Player MASTAGPAAVCost
Lucien Swift






Block, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Tackle