Riotous Rookies

Type: upgrade
EntryId: 4361-1f5a-b2d3-901c
Hidden: false
Costs: 100000 TV


max: 1
Rules (1)
Riotous Rookies
Ahead of the game the head coach ventures outside the stadium armed with handfuls of small change and dried beans which they fling to the adoring crowd, telling them they have been hired and this game is their big break in Blood Bowl. Regardless of how many players are available for this game and in addition to any Journeymen the team gains for free to make up for any lack of players, your team gains an additional 2D3+1 Journeymen for this game. These fresh-faced young hopefuls may take the number of players on your Team Draft list temporarily above 16. They are normal Journeyman players in every other respect and unless hired in the post-game sequence, they will be sent on their merry way once the game has ended.


set hidden true
force is Sevens
Used By (2)