Eldril Sidewinder

Type: model
Categories: Players, Star Player
EntryId: 9da4-9779-ae60-1c48
Hidden: false
Costs: 230000 TV


max(force): 1
max: 1
Rules (7)
Mesmerising Dance
Once per game, Eldril may re-roll a failed Agility test when attempting to use the Hypnotic Gaze trait.
Once per team turn, during their activation, this player may re-roll a failed Agility test when attempting to Dodge.

Additionally, this player may choose to use this Skill when they are the target of a Block action and a Stumble result is applied against them, as described on page 57.
Nerves of Steel
This player may ignore any modifier(s) for being Marked when they attempt to perform a Pass action, attempt to catch the ball or attempt to interfere with a pass.
Loner (4+)
If this player wishes to use a team re-roll, roll a D6. If you roll equal to or higher than the target number shown in brackets, this player may use the team re-roll as normal. Otherwise, the original result stands without being re-rolled but the team re-roll is lost just as if it had been used. This Trait must still be used if the player is Prone or has lost their Tackle Zone.
Hypnotic Gaze
During their activation, this player may perform a ‘Hypnotic Gaze’ Special action. There is no limit to how many players with this Trait may perform this Special action each team turn.

To perform a Hypnotic Gaze Special action, nominate a single Standing opposition player that has not lost their Tackle Zone and that this player is Marking. Then make an Agility test for this player, applying a -1 modifier for every player (other than the nominated player) that is Marking this player. If the test is passed, the nominated player loses their Tackle Zone until they are next activated.

This player may move before performing this Special action, following all of the normal movement rules. However, once this Special action has been performed, this player may not move further and their activation comes to an end.
This player may re-roll a failed Agility test when attempting to catch the ball.
On the Ball
This player may move up to three squares (regardless of their MA), following all of the normal movement rules, when the opposing coach declares that one of their players is going to perform a Pass action. This move is made after the range has been measured and the target square declared, but before the active player makes a Passing Ability test. Making this move interrupts the activation of the opposition player performing the Pass action. A player may use this Skill when an opposition player uses the Dump-off skill, but should this player Fall Over whilst moving, a Turnover is caused.

Additionally, during each Start of Drive sequence, after Step 2 but before Step 3, one Open player with this Skill on the receiving team may move up to three squares (regardless of their MA). This Skill may not be used if a touchback is caused when the kick deviates and does not allow the player to cross into their opponent’s half of the pitch.


Star Player MASTAGPAAVCost
Eldril Sidewinder







Catch, Dodge, Hypnotic Gaze, Loner (4+), Nerves of Steel, On the Ball

Used By (5)
All Star Players(Catalogue)
Star Players(Group)
Star Players(Group)
Star Players(Group)
Star Players(Group)