Asur High Mage

Type: upgrade
Categories: Wizard, (In)Famous Coaching Staff
EntryId: 078a-3b62-aa41-e54b
Hidden: false
Costs: 150000 TV


max: 1
Rules (1)
Asur High Mage
Once per game, an Asur High Mage may cast one of the following spells: Temporal Distortion, Thunderbolt


Wizard Spell
Temporal Distortion

You may cast this spell immediately after any of the opposition’s team turns has ended. Magical energy fills the stadium, causing the passage of time to slow down or speed up as the High Mage wishes.

You may attempt to move both teams’ turn markers forwards or backwards one space, effectively causing both teams to gain an extra turn this half or lose one of the remaining turns. Both turn markers must move in the same direction. Declare whether you wish to move the turn markers forwards one space or backwards one space and roll a D6:

• On a roll of 5+, the spell is successful and the turn markers are moved.
• On a roll of 1-4, the stadium fills with light and the strangely localised effects cause the High Mage to rapidly age or become unexpectedly more youthful, but otherwise the spell has no effect.


You may cast this spell at the end of either player’s team turn, before the next team turn begins. Target any Standing opposition player anywhere on the pitch, and roll a D6:

• On a roll of 3+, the player has been hit by the Thunderbolt.
• On a roll of 1 or 2, the player manages to duck or dodge the attack.

A Standing player hit by a Thunderbolt is Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by a Thunderbolt, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.

Used By (4)